Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peaches vs. Lady Gaga - a cage match

I was perusing the "Stuff Hipsters Hate" blog the other day.  There's a short post about how Lady Gaga is basically a shinier, more commercial version of Peaches. 

"What a fucking attention whore. She’s Peaches plus MTV-gloss minus talent."

As a connoisseur of the bizarre, I'd have to disagree.  Sure, they both have mannish faces and share an aversion to pants, but I would argue that the similarities end with the superficial.  

Lady Gaga

Lyrically, they couldn't be more different.  Lady Gaga is, if only by contrast, much more subtle. (I realize this is probably the only time in her life anyone will call her 'subtle'.  You're welcome, Lady Gaga.)  For example:

Let's have some fun
This beat is sick
I wanna take a ride
On your disco stick

Okay, she's having a good time, probably dancing, or maybe she's taking part in a drum circle?  I don't know, something about beats.  She also wants to take a ride on a disco stick, so...maybe that's like a pogo stick but with more glitter?  Maybe she's watching that workout video that teaches you how to use a stripper pole?  Oh.  Ohh, now I get it, she wants to sit on your penis.

Peaches, on the other hand, doesn't put much stock in metaphors.  She is wonderfully, painfully literal:

Sucking on my titties
Like you wanted me...
Fuck the pain away
Fuck the pain away

Well, no mystery there.


  1. What about Peaches very vague "only double A. Thinking triple X"?

    To support your argument, Gaga looks like a drag queen while Peaches tend to drag king it once and a while.

    Also- I love them both.

  2. Hmm, I'm not familiar with that particular Peaches song, but perhaps you have an interesting counter argument. And yes, Peaches is pretty masculine. I used to have a poster of her dressed in a corset and fishnets with a top hat and fake beard...and the armpit and leg hair, oh god. She looked disturbingly similar to Abe Lincoln.
