Sunday, November 26, 2023

Syllabus #228

We Thanksgiving'ed in New Orleans.  They should call it the Big Queasy, because most of our group was constantly intoxicated and I was constantly migrained, which segued into a delightful head cold that I am currently enjoying.  

Overall I guess it was a successful trip.  I bought an extremely tasteless t-shirt using the Visa debit card I earned as an incentive from my health insurance plan for getting an annual check-up.  Thanks for buying me a t-shirt with about 30 pair of cartoon boobs printed on it, Cigna.  I was, at long last, reunited with the sandwich of my dreams, a double-decker collard green melt with coleslaw, at Turkey & the Wolf.  

One member of our party nearly fell victim to the "where'd you get your shoes?" scam.  All 7 of us were nearly taken out by a lil scuffle between the police and a person resisting arrest while we were waiting on the sidewalk outside a restaurant.  I also watched a gentleman defecate on the sidewalk.  Felt just like home, really.

What exactly is a Bourbon Street Candle supposed to smell like?  If it's not vomit and urine we are all complicit in this lie.


Progressive Flo, national treasure?  There's hope for all of us who are just annoying enough to be memorable and forgettable at the same time. 

New York Times 100 Notable Books of 2023.  I've read 7 of these already, am in the process of reading 1 more, and have 3 others on my Kindle or in print, waiting to be read before the year's end.  I feel like I didn't make a very strong showing this year, but this is giving me some inspiration for when I need to queue up some more holds from the library.

Analog Reading:

Finished Gary Gulman's memoir, Misfit.  It was sweet and poignant and funny and I hope he continues to de well in his career and his mental health.  What a mensch.

Now I'm reading North Woods by Daniel Mason.  Too early to form an opinion, but it's on that 100 notable books list, so it better be decent.

1 comment:

  1. And a good time was possibly had by all. Good old Flo, she hasn't even aged. I have several "to read" from the nyt list and now North Woods. PS, no gentleman poops on the sidewalk. Hopefully, no one lost their appetite.
