Sunday, December 10, 2023

Syllabus #230

Let it be known that I have achieved a new Wordle streak.  My previous streak ended last year over winter break.  I was up to day 224 when I fell from great heights and experienced disgrace.  After a minor setback earlier this year, I have reclaimed my dignity.  I'm now up to day 229.  I feel like Kramer test driving the car in that episode of Seinfeld.  As improbable as it may seem, I'm just going to ride this out until the wheels fall off.


The storms on Saturday evening missed us, but just a couple miles to the north of us, not everyone was as lucky.

I appreciate Slate's dueling best-books lists from Laura Miller and Dan Kois

I am going to refrain from sharing any thoughts on the situation in the Middle East, other than to say that I wish for peace for the innocent civilians on both sides of the issue.  That being said, I found this Vox article about the history of the keffiyeh to be illuminating.  The bit about the scarf coming into vogue as a generic fashion accessory in the mid-2000s explains so much about why I randomly bought a green keffiyeh for $5 from a store on South Street in 2007 and thought nothing of wearing at the time.  

Analog Reading:

Finished North Woods by Daniel Mason.  It went to some spooky dark places that I wasn't expecting but thoroughly enjoyed.  

Reading The Heat Will Kill You First is not exactly a hopeful experience.  It is a highly engaging, compelling read, though.  I was reading it yesterday morning on the balcony while it was 59 degrees at 7 am, in December, and then hours later I found myself following the track of a tornado as it ripped through an area just a couple miles north of us.  I can't wait to be boiled alive, killed in a catastrophic storm, or wiped out by a previously-tropical insect-borne disease.  

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