Wednesday, April 20, 2011

RIF On This...

Or, Something Is Rotten in the State of New Jersey.

Here's a limerick for you, and for once, it isn't about Nantucket and it's not filthy.  Although, can we be honest here?  When I finally learned what follows, "there once was a man from Nantucket," I was pretty disappointed.  The buildup promised something exceptionally filthy, and I found it to be only moderately vulgar.  But anyway:

There once was a girl who loved books
Who went to work for some crooks
Til they robbed her of work
And acted like jerks
Now she's thinking of switching to Nook.

Let's get one thing straight, though.  When I talk about 'work' I am not referring to my specific employer but rather to the state of New Jersey in general.  It's bad, guys.  And to think that it has come to this - that things are so desperate that anyone can suggest students will still get a good education without a proper and fully-staffed library.  That's just bad news bears.

But, you know, everything worth knowing is available in digital form now, right?  We can just use the Internet for everything.  All we need is Google and Wikipedia, because I'm sure all the people who found my blog by searching for the following phrases found EXACTLY what they needed:

  • counter argument of breakfast
  • hipster coiffure
  • fecal study florecient paint  <-- (what does that even mean?)
  • tube2 mom undress son looking from window
  • purple nurple muffin
  • advertisements based on feelings   <--(well, actually, that one might be semi-relevant to one post)
  • breakfast linking with emotion
  • asking mom in scheming way to use nair
  • is my underwear are comfortable grammatically correct

And finally, the one search phrase that may have resulted in a genuinely helpful hit for someone:

  • pate brisee recipe "grate the butter"

To be fair, though, the person searching for 'purple nurple muffin' probably didn't require a scholarly source to fulfill that information need.  For the rest of you Googlers, who ARE you?  I'm not complaining about the traffic, though I am well aware it was fleeting and probably resulted in disappointment.  I'm sorry I'm not an endless font of knowledge concerning bodily excretions, depilation, or clothing vis a vis the removal and theft thereof.  I can only be so many things to so many people, and clearly, I have fallen short in this arena.  Soooorrrryy. 


  1. I'm going to take a stab at the third one and say that it's like the time the kid I was babysitting ate three blue Popsicles and a couple hours later his poo was bright blue and a little runny, only then you use it to create art?

    You write about that, right?

  2. Hahahahahahaha. Yours are so much more interesting than mine, now that someone out there searches at least once a week for "botanylicious big haired jersey blog." And again, WHO ARE YOU if you are obviously a fan of my blog!? But also, I wish those searched wouldn't clutter up and block out gems like "counter argument for breakfast."

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