Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Blizzard That Wasn't


I may be speaking out of turn. The forecast changed so many times throughout the course of today, it's really anyone's guess. We could still get 10 inches tomorrow, supposedly. All I know is that I was robbed of the opportunity to trudge almost two miles home from work in a blizzard and then complain about it bitterly afterwards.

Side note, you know how typing on an iPad is a delicate and not always accurate process? Well, that imprecision is amplified tremendously when two cats are vying for the limited space on your lap. And when one of those cats weighs almost 20 pounds and is crushing your organs, and the other is tiny and cute but likes to swipe at your screen and try to eat your diamond ring because it's shiny and waving around while you type. It's a first world problem, for sure, but life is so hard sometimes, right?

Other side note - small kitty just swiped the screen and somehow typed the letters 'non'. I am positive she was trying to type 'Nyan (and I'm purposely leaving off the closing apostrophe because every time I added it, this terrible iPad auotcorrected it to 'Nyanja' as if that is even any more of a word. What even is that? A poptart cat trained in martial arts? Please enlighten me). Point is, this cat is so smart. Real point is, Andy is away and the human to cat ratio is currently at a shameful level in this house. I feel a little weird about that.

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