Monday, January 20, 2020

Syllabus #36

As I write this, it's snowing gently outside my balcony window and I'm enjoying this MLK Monday off from work.  I can't help but feel cheated that it's snowing on a day that school was already closed.  Out of spite, all of the below is required reading.  There will be a test.

Another day, another car fire on Briley Parkway

"It occurs to me that Larry David may be the most self-actualized person I have ever met."  I'm one of those jerks who sits down to maybe 2 total hours of TV a week and feels a little smug about it, but I will turn that boob tube on with gusto for LD.  I cannot wait for Season 10 of Curb Your Enthusiasm.  It provides a highly accurate projection of what kind of person Andy will be in 20-30 years.  It's not that Larry is ever wrong, it's just that he cares not for the nuances or for the little things most of us let go in order to lubricate the wheels of social interaction.

This really hits me where I live.  The things we have tried and the money we have flushed down the toilet attempting to carve out a semi-normal existence for Charlie defy logic, and the only thing that even sort of works a little bit is good old fashioned drugs.  For us.  Kiddingnotkidding.  Charlie's on Prozac.

I guess it bodes well for us that Larry David claims to actually be a very happy person.

Glitter bomb blowing up a toilet near you.  As if the Squatty Potty commercial with the rainbow ice cream shitting unicorn wasn't enough.

For the love of decency and rational thought, please use your brain and exercise your right to vote in the upcoming primaries and again in November so we aren't faced with four more years of this blatant disregard legal principles and logic.

Looking forward to this one.  Let's add it to the pile.

Mom and dad are fighting.  Why do we have to fight?  Poor Tom Steyer, whose existence in general perplexes me, is just like the divorce kid, waiting in the car after weekend visitation is over, watching his parents argue over child support. 

Your cat will eat your corpse.  Two words:  Moist decomposition.  Don't read while eating, unless your New Year's Resolution is some kind of retrograde BS about losing weight.

Andy doesn't read this, but I'm gonna shout it into the void anyway.  Valentine's Day is coming and all I want is a pickle bouquet.

"That minimalism is a phenomenon of class is a line of inquiry Chayka too often fails to fully explore—perhaps because the minimalism he does admire is itself a form of luxury, produced by affluent artists for rich clients, displayed in places it takes disposable income to visit"..."This longing is not just for less stuff, but for less self, the rough edges smoothed off to create the ideal, generic, frictionless fit. Why do so many people want this, I found myself wondering..."  I think there's a big difference between consuming consciously and having a conspicuously minimalist lifestyle.  For many people, living with less is not a choice.  Keeping things around that may potentially be useful again in the future is necessary when you wouldn't be able to afford to buy a new one when the time comes.  If you have plenty of money to throw around to buy things at your point of need or desire, then you can afford to live with less clutter.

Analog Reading:

The Gin Closet by Leslie Jamison
The Heap by Sean Adams

Analog Experiencing:

If you ever have the opportunity to go to a Lucha Libre wrestling match, for ¡Por Dios, vaya!  For the love of god, go!

1 comment:

  1. You know I even forget my name when I have to take a test, so I'm not gonna take one. Therefore, I was able to thoroughly enjoy your latest bit of wit, sarcasm and self help suggestions!! Til the next one...xoxo
