Sunday, January 16, 2022

Syllabus #136

Hello, good morning from the little snowstorm that couldn't.  It just couldn't even.  At one point this week, an overzealous news source promised us 8-10" and while I scoffed, a small candle nub in my heart held a flicker of hope that maybe we'd get enough of a dump on this Sunday to carry us through our extant Monday off for MLK and we'd get a snow day on Tuesday because the South doesn't know how to Winter.  But alas, all we have so far is cold rain.  The worst kind of rain.

But like, we had milk, bread, and eggs (because we are adults with adequate supplies of standard things in our fridge, not because we snow-hoarded and bought enough dairy and carbs to sustain a Mormon family reunion through a week of fellowship) so I made french toast for Andy.  Because I'm that nice.  I don't really even like it, and rarely eat it, or pancakes for that matter, when I make them for him.  But I make them because carbohydrates in all their iterations are my love language.  Trophy wives are overrated.  Get you a carb wife.  That's what you want, dudes.

Schools are in trouble.  I'd say we're on the struggle bus, but the drivers are all out sick and sometimes the bus just never shows up.

File under misleading headlines:  Snoop Dogg May Be Releasing His Own Food Line Soon — And It’s Probably Exactly What You’re Thinking.   Spoiler - it's hot dogs.  Raise your hand if 'exactly what you're thinking' was EDIBLES.  Come on, now.

Speaking of the lord's herb, does weed protect you from covid?  Maybe not, but it can't hurt!  At worst, it'll make you a little less mad at all the unmasked asshats coughing in the grocery store.

This is a level of stupidity that I can't even fathom.  It's actually painful to try to insert myself into a mindset where this behavior seems rational.

Analog Reading:

Still working on Something New Under the Sun by Alexandra Kleeman.  It's not that I'm not enjoying it, but the reading of it is dragging on because every time I get in bed at night to read, I fall asleep almost immediately.  That's not a referendum on my opinion of the book, it's just that I'm so freaking tired all the time.  I'm not talking about falling into bed at 10, 11 o'clock and zonking out.  I'm freely admitting that I've been going to bed at like 8 or 8:30 every night since we got back from Portugal.  And then I wake up at 4:30 or 5, without the aid of an alarm clock.  I've also had my period since January 3rd, save for a two-day commercial break when my uterus was like, ok now a word from our sponsors, and then they came right the frick back to re-introduce the guest.  The guest being Aunt Flo?  A tampon?  IDK where this podcast metaphor is going but I'm tired of it.  But the point is that I have one chapter left in this book because I managed to read during daylight hours yesterday, so maybe the book is a magic talisman and when I finish it my period will mercifully, finally abate.  Here's hoping.

1 comment:

  1. Weird weather, wholly unhinged maniacs needing to get their phones and purses they left at the scene of the crime. What a world.
