Sunday, July 9, 2023

Syllabus #208

But have you ever been frantically speed-humped by a freshly neutered adult dog who has no idea how to process the rollercoaster ride of hormones he's suddenly been strapped into?  After just reading a book about human menopause (see below), I can only imagine the torment inside his tiny little body.

We are fostering the little moppet that I found last weekend.  We have two weeks to decide if he's going to be a furever friend (I hate that).  He's adorable and sweet and seems pretty smart, but he is also the same size as the cats.  Both cats, but especially Lola, are majorly freaked out.  He has tried to chase them a couple times, and now Lola keeps staring him down and making it weird.  Then he'll growl and give chase, and we just can't be having that.  It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.  He might be better off in a cat-free house.  I'm just so sad about it all because he's a great dog and I love him already and Charlie really digs him and thinks we brought him into the house especially as a present for him, but we also love our kitties and don't want to put them in harm's way.



What in the too-much-money-having fresh hell is this?  Well I hate my house now because it doesn't have a fire pole.

Can confirm, tinto de verano is the bees knees.  I made an approximation of it with lambrusco, lemon lime seltzer, and some fresh lemon and lime wedges, but I bet it would be even better if, you know, you actually followed the recipe.  

This new Patrick DeWitt book sounds great.  I thoroughly enjoyed his French Exit and I'm a real sucker for any book about libraries or librarians.  

Analog Reading:

Blazed through Hot and Bothered:  What no one tells you about menopause and how to feel like yourself again by Jancee Dunn.  I realized time is rude and I probably have about 5-7 years before my last fuckable day perimenopause descends upon me, and I needed some cold, hard facts delivered with a side of snark.

Still reading The Best Minds by Jonathan Rosen.  It's interesting, but not exactly a page turner.

Our Missing Hearts by Celeste Ng.  Speaking of books that heavily revolve around libraries and librarians.  So far, so good!  It's a very near-future-dystopian information control story in the vein of 1984  or Fahrenheit 451.

1 comment:

  1. All I am saying is give peace a chance 🐕❤️🐈. I should look for the sisters brothers, sounds like an interesting starting point for the author.
