Sunday, January 28, 2024

Syllabus #237

 I can see walk clearly now, the rain snow is gone...

It's been a dreary, rainy, gross week since Tuesday, but at least I don't have to shuffle across outdoor surfaces like octogenarian penguin.  Naturally, all the children at work were like dogs at the end of  an extended car ride.  So much pent up energy after a week stuck inside at home, and then another week stuck inside for indoor recess.  

Clean boi


The Stanley cup has been living rent free in my brain for a couple weeks, apparently.  I should charge it rent, because it's apparently huge.  This "I lived it" takedown of the cult-favorite Stanley cup is hilarious.  Not gonna lie, when references to this cup first started crossing the threshold of my internet, I could not understand why TikTok influencers were obsessed with hockey all of a sudden?  This honestly makes the vessel sound like a real albatross.

The other day, one of the kids I tutor after school showed up wearing a Mean Girls sweatshirt that said "On Wednesdays We Wear Pink" (it was, to her credit, actually Wednesday) and holding one of the above-mentioned 40 oz Stanley tumblers.  I wasn't sure if she was there to bully me* or learn from me.

*Fortunately, it was the latter.  I really didn't want to have to bust out the "I am lovable and capable" [IALAC] or "Cancel Cancel" anti-bullying jargon they taught us in middle school, that we promptly turned around and used to...bully the teachers?  

Analog Reading:

Finished Billy Summers by Stephen King.  He's at his best when he's not bringing in the supernatural, I think.  Human psychology and the capacity for evil provides for more than enough horror.

Now reading Chain Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah.  It's been a slow week for reading, what with actually having to leave the house for work like a functional adult human.  This book is shaping up to be incredible if I can just dedicate a decent stretch of time to immersing myself in the story.  I would describe it as a dystopian sci-fi about the prison industrial complex, because that's the mood it's giving.  However, save for some slightly futuristic technology, it's not even far-fetched and honestly/sadly just seems like the next logical step in a society where capitalism trumps human dignity every step of the way.

1 comment:

  1. Aha! Love that song and wonder if you thought of Jimmy Clif and the Jamaican Bobsled Team or Johnny Nash? I should give you my Stanley thermos to really amp up the old school drinking vessel statement.
