Sunday, April 21, 2024

Syllabus #249

I just realized there are only 24 school days left before summer break.  More like the summer break that shall not be, because I'm a schmuck who signed on to do summer school, but at least it's not a full-time gig, and the expectations are slightly scaled back.  But anyway.  Only 24 more days!  I am baffled as to how it could already be late April, and also horrified by the mountain of tasks that I must summit before May 24th.  Every year it feels like frigging Everest, and I worry I'm going to run out of oxygen and they'll find my frozen, gnarled corpse buried in a crevasse a generation from now.

This anthropomorphized strawberry and a pint of his more normal-looking friends cost me NINE GD dollars at the farmer's market.  It was one of those situations where the price wasn't marked and the woman at the booth had already rung up the purchase before I learned the price, which was about 300% more than what I was expecting but I was too embarrassed to tell her I changed my mind.  The strawberries are good but not great, and every time I eat one I picture two quarters falling out of my pocket and it's really ruining the experience for me.


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I feel like I need to invest in a beekeeper suit for the emergence of this cicada brood.  I'm not emotionally prepared for what's about to happen. 

If I was working any kind of retail and someone tried to rob me using a snake, I'd be so grateful it wasn't a firearm I'd give them all the cash in the register, and then I'd dig out my own wallet so I could give him a tip.  I think maybe the judge needs to go easy on this guy, is all I'm saying. 

Analog Reading:

I'm about to finish Tommy Orange's The Wandering Stars.  It's really very good, but I have gotten so in the habit of reading plot-driven Stephen King books that it was a process to shift into this slower, more prose-oriented, character-driven novel.  Also, the first section that was written in like, 2nd person omniscient perspective, speaking to the ancestors, was a little hard for me to get into.  

Next, I have a hard decision to make.  I have The Shining, The Women, and James cued up on my Kindle, locked down in airplane mode so I can take my sweet time with these library loans.  Which one will it be?  Stay tuned.

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