Thursday, February 17, 2011

Where to start...

In the first month and a half of 2011, I moved across the country into my mom's house, moved again in an ice storm, cut off a foot of my hair, tried cross country skiing for the first time, and started a new/old job.  I'm thinking of getting a sex change just for good measure. 

Thoughts on all of this?

Moving is the pits.  I'm tired of it.  The allure and excitement of setting up in a new place really wane in the face of a six month lease.  Why bother unpacking these ten boxes of books (one of which was so heavy that it had to be unpacked into three smaller boxes before it could be moved out of my mom's living room, where it rested for weeks because even the mover couldn't carry it down the basement steps)?  Why trouble ourselves with that?  Just more crap to dust.

Haircuts are a-okay.  I kind of miss the security blanket that was my mane of religious cult proportions.  I guess it wasn't that long, but still.  A whole foot that used to be there...isn't.  This shorter haircut is a lot faster to style, but I've discovered an unfortunate truth.  This hairstyle looks disgusting unless it is freshly washed and blow-dried.  Being this high-maintenance is lame.  I do yearn for the days of dirty hair that could be hoisted into an acceptable-looking updo.

Cross country skiing - so cool.  I realize downhill skiing isn't exactly a sedentary activity, but HOLY HELL cross country skiing is a lot of work.  Especially when you're going uphill for extended periods of time because you went on a 'moderate' difficulty trail, only to learn that it was rated solely on its difficulty as a hiking trail.  Walking in boots on dry ground is a lot easier than slogging up a powder-covered incline with slippery boards strapped to your feet.  Apparently.  It's also a lot easier when you don't feel slightly violated by this sight of this in the window of a creepy rape shack in the middle of the forest:

And then there is Job.  I hate to say it, because once I admit it, once I put it out there into the universe, I'm sure I'll be kicking myself.  But I actually really like it.  I don't know if I'm seeing everything through rose-colored glasses because the sun will set on this job in December, or what.  But it's good.  I hesitate to say too much about it, even positive things, because of the woman who just found herself in some serious ish for blogging about her students.  But even the students are generally more pleasant and compliant than I remember them.  It seems like some changes that have taken place since I was last there have really had a positive effect.

One thing I will say is that the contrast between working in customer service and education is astounding.  Sure, I get to actually use my education.  I feel generally more respected by others and, moreover, by my own self.  It sure beats earning $8 an hour.  But the reality that most excites me - where I previously had to absorb rudeness with a smile, allowing the customer to be perpetually right, I can now deflect rudeness with a discipline referral.  And a stern look.  Because expressing displeasure at bad behavior is no longer's part of my job.  That and shushing people.  Both awesome.


  1. hahah nice reference at the end.
    What a year! Sounds like you have a lot of cool stuff going on...not sure how the sex change will pan out though.

  2. HOLY CRAP! I JUUUUST read your blog today for the first time since like November, and you are back in Jerz; you are back... there. I need stories. Feel free to email me. (does this mean mer had her kid?)
