Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hurr Did

So I've been crying in a corner and licking my wounds for the last week.  Haircuts can be very traumatic, and I think this one may have given me a touch of the PTSD.  Just a touch.

Actually, it's not a bad haircut.  I'm just feeling a little like an amputee.  I keep reaching for my phantom ponytail/security hair-blanket and it's just not there.  The upside is that I don't need a neck brace to hold my head up when my hair is wet, and I don't need industrial size barrels of shampoo and conditioner just to get through the week. 

Without further adieu, here are the before and after shots:

Before - cult member or just too cheap to get a haircut?
After - surprisingly not that short after losing 12+ inches

The amputated ponytail was donated to Locks of Love.  You're welcome, little bald kid.  That is some healthy hair you're getting.  Also, the before shot is not the finest glimpse of my hair.  I had washed it the night before and threw it up in a bun, wet.  I didn't want to wash and style it the day of the haircut, because a surefire way to dread and subsequently regret your haircut is to have your 'before' hair look suspiciously awesome.  Been there, done that.  So this time, I made sure it looked like crap so I could just say 'good riddance'. 


  1. That was some longass hair.

    More importantly, I'm impressed with your ability to pull off a plaid shirt. Way to rock it out!

  2. ooo I like the cut from behind.
    I am growing out a pixie cut and it is not fun. I have been rocking a subtle mullet for 6 months.
    I like to think that a mullet suits me, but I can never ever wear a plaid shirt until it is grown out.
