Thursday, January 7, 2021

The 10-Day New Year's Challenge - Day 7


January 7. The Sacred Center, by Jasper Young Bear

Your prompt for today:
Imagine you are the center of the universe. Imagine that you are the creator. Imagine that your power and your prayers have no limit. Imagine all things moving and in motion and all things static and sitting are affected by your prayer. What would you change? What is your prayer? 

If you strip away the potential for a raging ego problem, there is something appealing about believing yourself to be the center of the universe, the creator of all things.  It would seem to impart a locus of control and a pride of ownership.  If every tree and river and bird and person belongs to you, of course you want the best for them.  Of course you take it upon yourself to strive for those things, because you believe you will succeed.

So if we're all a part of me, what do I want for us?  For starters, I want laughter, but we should probably take care of some of the basics first.  Let's promise everyone enough to eat, clean water to drink, and a comfortable place to sleep at night.  Let's promise everyone the dignity of a living wage if they're able to work, and monetary support if they aren't.  Let's promise everyone as much education as they desire, as much healthcare as they require.  Let's promise equality - equality of races, classes, genders, sexual orientations, religions.  Equality of opportunity, equality of privileges, equality of protection under the law.  Peace.  Safety.  All of it.  For all of us.

1 comment:

  1. No one, and I sincerely mean no one could have said that any better or any differently. ��
