Sunday, September 5, 2021

Syllabus #121

It's funny, or no, it's not funny, but it's something, that I start collecting articles at the beginning of each week and by the end of the week, they are either irrelevant or utterly tone-deaf.  And yet I let them all stand.  Like maybe there was a brief punctuation of time when the week to come had the potential to be normal.  When Hurricane Ida hadn't yet caused chaos and destruction to New Orleans and surrounding areas.  When the storm hadn't yet continued northward to dump rain on us here in Middle Tennessee before somehow gaining destructive powers and unleashing devastating flooding on Philadelphia and many other parts of the Northeast, while leveling half my hometown with freak tornadoes.  When Texas hadn't unleashed a bevy of legislation that is so abhorrent I can't even fully articulate how offensive it all is.  

So like, here's a picture of a cute cat that won't let me pet him but comes running when I get home from work because he knows I'll feed him, and here are some links to some shit I read on the internet this past week:

Can you blame him, though?  I'm not immune-compromised but whenever I catch a kid free-nosing I feel a blood pressure spike.  The other day I gently reminded a kid to cover his nose and he was like 'but I can't my glasses will get all foggy" and I was like DO YOU SEE WHAT IS ON MY LITERAL FACE RIGHT NOW, OF COURSE YOUR GLASSES WILL GET FOGGY BUT YOU KNOW WHAT WON'T HAPPEN?  YOU WON'T END UP IN THE HOSPITAL ON A VENTILATOR AND WE WON'T HAVE TO SHUT DOWN THE SCHOOL BECAUSE ALL YOUR TEACHERS ARE DEAD.

Where was this milk crate challenge during my youth?  I was down to clown AND good at stealing milk crates from behind convenience stores.  Also I only broke bones on playground equipment so there's a 97% chance I would have been totally unscathed.

I wish I could see this street art in person. 

This too shall pass.  I feel like we've been waiting for a whole lot of shit to pass for the past 18 months.  So far everything after 2019 has been one giant spiky kidney stone.   

Texas - all of it.  Abortion bans, the gun carrying, the voting or lack thereof.  Who is it for?  I honestly don't understand.

Interesting take.  Also what baffles me the most about this new law is that anyone even tangentially involved in a woman's abortion procedure can be sued, but not the woman herself.  Some might say that's a silver lining but it actually incredibly pernicious and telling - it says that the woman is completely besides the point in this whole equation because she doesn't have the slightest bit of agency. 


And in case you've been curious about the why the actual fuck of the horse dewormer of it all.  I mean, why are people going to farm supply stores and taking veterinary medicine formulated for animals that are orders of magnitude larger than a human?  Don't y'all morons know your dog probably takes ivermectin for heartworm prevention?  If you're so fucking stupid you think taking animal medicine for an untested purpose is a good idea, at least the math is a little easier when you're scaling up.  Go pop a handful of Heartgard blocks and wash 'em down with a big ol' slug of toilet water just like Fido. 

Analog Reading:

Finished The Book of Eels by Patrik Svensson.  It was slippery.  I didn't hate it.

Now reading Better to Have Gone:  Love, Death, and the Quest for Utopia in Auroville by Akash Kapur.  Right about now the urge to GTFO and try something different doesn't sound so strange.

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