Sunday, April 9, 2023

Syllabus #195

I don't know how many more times I can open with a variation of, "what a week!" but I mean, come on

There was one bright spot.  Tuesday was National School Librarian Day and the 2nd grade classes made me a book in which every student wrote and illustrated what they think I do all day.  If you're not fluent in 7-year-old, that says, "reads cat books."  My child, you are not even a little bit wrong.

Redz cat boocs


What's been happening in the TN House is just wild.  The GOP was like, "Oh snap, they have a point about gun regulations, so we gotta put the focus somewhere else until they forget...what else have we got...oh yea, racism!"  It's so blatant.  "We didn't expel them because they're black...we expelled them because they aren't white!  Totally different things!"  It should be more surprising, but repubes have been telling us who they are for a long time, now they're just doing it in full view of the world, with a bullhorn and closed captioning to make sure we all get the message.

Analog Reading:

Just can't get into the The Intuitionist.  I want to like it so badly.  I love Colson Whitehead!  I think Nickel Boys is a masterpiece!  But, every time I try to pick this book up, it takes me a few pages to get into the rhythm and recall this strange noir world of vaguely pre-Civil Rights era New York City-ish setting.  And by then, my lunch break is over, or my eyelids are spontaneously closing.  Halfway through, I feel like it's either starting to pick up, or I'm giving in to the sunk cost fallacy.  I'm going to try to soldier through, but I just feel like I'm missing something.

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