Sunday, April 30, 2023

Syllabus #198

This weekend, I'm mentally preparing myself for Book Fair week.  I know of no librarian on earth who doesn't wish she could just erase the concept from our cultural lexicon.  First of all, I'm in the business of letting kids borrow books for free - I don't want their money!  And really, I DON'T WANT THEIR money.  It's sticky, it's sweaty, it's crumpled, they don't know how to count it, it's a massive problem.  The DARE program in 6th grade made it sound like I'd be constantly offered drugs as a teenager and an adult.  To wit, I have never ONCE been offered cocaine!*  The nerve of people!  Never explicitly offered coke, that is.  However, I suspect that I am literally bathing in it every time I run a book fair.  

NOT the Cobra bathroom.  Wilburn Street, definitely one of my top 3 bar bathrooms. 
Come for the pool table, stay for the anthropomorphized hot dogs.

*Not even when I walked in on two dudes who failed to lock the single-toilet bathroom at the Cobra and were liberally powdering their noses when I pushed the door open to pee.  "Shame on you!" they hissed.  Yes.  Shame on me.


Ho ho hold my Carlo Rossi!  Jay kay, I stopped drinking jugs of Charlie Red when a cashier at an Idaho Walmart, of all places, made fun of me for buying it.  A long but interesting read.

I'm not linking to the post in which this picture originally appeared.  It's buried deep, but it's there, and it has not aged well.  But damn, I used to love MS Paint!

We're all stars now.  Rest in Chaos, Jerry Springer.  I hope for his loved ones' sakes, the funeral is held somewhere with pews and not folding chairs.

Added this book to my growing list of holds at the Nashville Public Library - The Best Minds by Jonathan Rosen.  

Analog Reading:

I finished Lessons in Chemistry and, y'all, I had to wipe that smirk off my face because by the end, I was allllmoooost moved to tears.  I did also have my period at the time, TMI notsorry, so maybe I would have just felt dead inside on any other day, but my assessment stands.  The best character in the book, by a country mile, was the dog, seconded by neighbor Harriet, but I kind of wanted the story to continue in order to keep hanging out with the whole unlikely crew of them.

Butts:  A back story by Heather Radke is both an illuminating study backed by deep research and thoughtful scholarship, and utterly hilarious.

1 comment:

  1. Book Fair here I come! To whine or not to whine about wine. Interesting info that will probably change after the next study. Maybe I should have forged ahead with the book club selection. 🤔
