Sunday, June 18, 2023

Syllabus #205

Happy Father's Day to uh, my mom I guess?  And to all the good dudes out there.  And maybe Andy, too.  He's a decent cat dad.  Dog dad, not as stellar.  He did admit to googling "how to play with your dog" when we first adopted Charlie, but to be fair, that was more of a Charlie problem.  Guy is 10 and still doesn't understand fetch.  We throw the ball for him and he just looks at us like we're a coupla Gretchen Wieners, and he trots over to the ball, flops down, and starts gnawing on it, like, y'all, stop trying to make fetch happen.  Aside from that, he is a Very Good Boy, but man, it's hard to trust a dog that doesn't fetch.  Like, are you really a dog or are you an extremely anxious, withered old man in a fur suit?


Representation matters!  You know what doesn't matter/is very dumb?  Dying on the hill of insisting that fictional/mythical characters have to be a specific race and can't possibly be reimagined to be otherwise, when they are, in fact, imaginary to begin with.

See also:  People have no chill!  

I had a bounty of strawberries from the farmer's market, and I wanted to do more than just shovel them into my gaping maw unceremoniously, but I also didn't have sufficient motivation to schlep to the store for heavy cream or start futzing around with cold butter and a hot oven, so I found Joy the Baker's recipe for strawberry salad with cucumber and feta.  I made the salad dressing, too, and it was aces.

Analog Reading:

Finished Samantha Irby's Quietly Hostile.  Man she's funny.  No notes.  10/10.

Also finished Apt Pupil,  Stephen King's novella about a sick and twisted entanglement between a child psychopath and a Nazi war criminal living in disguise in 1970s California.  Now I'm starting The Body, which was made into the movie Stand By Me, which I'm realizing I have never seen.  No shocker there.  I spent most of my childhood rewatching Captain Ron and the Ernest movies when I could have been watching all the other classics, too.

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