Sunday, September 8, 2024

Syllabus #264


Where are all the pennies?  Well, I can promise you 96% of them are going to show up at my next frigging book fair. 


Finished reading Full Dark, No Stars.  The last story was so very unsettling.  I mean, they all were, but the last one really made you question how you ever truly know someone, and where the line is between madness and the supernatural.

Now I'm reading Carrie, which is so fascinating on the level of craft, since it's King's first published novel.  Just like with many of his books that have been adapted to film, the movie version (or what I recall of it) was faithful to the letter in terms of dialogue.  The Carrie in the book, however, is continuously described as pudgy and ugly, which really doesn't track with Sissy Spacek's movie portrayal.

I promise I'll eventually read a non-Stephen King book again, but I have It cued up on my Kindle, so it won't be in the immediate future!

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