Sunday, September 1, 2024

Syllabus #263

 Short missive today.  It's Labor Day, and sometimes this feels like labor, alright?


This article is old, but it continues to haunt me.  I think this bar should be cited for selling Malort, regardless of what hideous insects they're adding to it.

Young men leading the charge of weird, self-flagellating asceticism?  I dunno, raw-dogging sounds like a good way to restore your attention span.  Just be in a space.  Look around.  Think your thoughts!


Analog Reading:

Finished Stephen King's The Institute.  It was like if the X-Men and Stranger Things had a very violent baby.  It had all the things Stephen King loves to slip into his books:  child sodomy, the n-word, gratuitous violence!  All of it!

Now I'm reading his novella collection, Full Dark, No Stars.  The first one, 1922, was, as promised, fully dark.

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