Friday, July 30, 2010


First, let me just throw this out there:  I had a few pretty sweet ideas for blog names, but they were already taken.  Sure, I know I can call my blog whatever I want, sort of like how I can call my cat whatever I want because he doesn't know his own damn name so why does it matter?  I just wanted to aim for consistency between blog title and URL because I have moderate OCD and need things to match and be placed at right angles and I could go on but we've just met and I don't want to scare you away before I've had a chance to charm you.

So it was that 'Eating My Feelings' was already taken.  First I was indignant.  Who would dare to think of using that phrase before me?  Then I visited said blog and immediately felt like a horrible person because the blog belonged to a food addict who was baring her soul and appalling eating habits to the entire internet.  That is, I felt bad until I saw that she posted two entries four years ago and promptly gave up.  Then I was angry again.

As lunchtime was fast approaching, I checked the availability of 'Feelings for Lunch.'  It was there, ripe for the taking, but I held back.  It just didn't flow.  I think the idea of eating your feelings for breakfast is much more pathetic, and thus funnier.  If your day is already so horrible that you are eating a bag of pork rinds and a stick of butter for breakfast, you're just doing it wrong.

Thus, 'Feelings for Breakfast!' it is.  Also, I am currently growing poorer by the second*.  I have not yet resorted to ingesting pure, unadulterated shame and regret for breakfast** but they're not entirely off the menu.

At any rate, like everyone else who blogs, I will be using this as a venue for validating my existence.  I just watched Grey Gardens (the Maysles documentary, not the Drew Barrymore one) and I'm kind of a little irritated and a lot scared that I might turn into a crazy hermit cat lady who wears a damn sweater tied around her head if I don't engage with society on some level.  But, I live in Idaho for the time being, so this is the best I can do right now.

*You may be wondering how someone so poor can internet (yes, I just verbed a noun, deal with it).  We have free shitty internet, and this isn't even my computer!  And I've been slowly spiraling into poverty - I used to have a job.  Then I quit that job and went to grad school so I could one day have a better job, but that better job has yet eluded my grasp.  My icy, claw-like, Gollum-grasp.

**I usually just eat oatmeal.  It's $.68 a pound.  I also eat other foods for other meals, but this blog isn't actually about food, at least not exclusively.  Just sometimes.  When I feel like it.

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