Sunday, February 7, 2021

Syllabus #91

Hi there.  Hello.  Welcome.  Let's explore the last week in news and culture.

My first thought was, I guess drugs got him, and then I was like has Slater been questioned, and then I was all, are we sure he's dead what if he's just been stuffed in his locker againRIP Screech.

Well hello, Dolly.  I just don't know, Dolly.  I'm sure you're coming from a good place on this one, because you're Saint Dolly, after all, but if you were gonna update this anthem of female empowerment in the workplace, and you had asked me beforehand, I would have definitely suggested sneaking in some lyrics about a living wage, closing the gender and racial pay gaps, and guaranteed family leave for caregivers.  Just my notes, you can take them or leave them.  I still love you.

Some people out here still assuming Mandy Patinkin is a lady, other people think he and his wife are relationship goals.  They are what I have to hope Ina and Jeffrey are actually like behind the scenes...deeply enamored with one another but not afraid to bitch at each other about leaving up the toilet seat or microwaving fish or something (omg Ina would never let that happen on her watch).

Yikes, and I thought it was bougie when I bought Trader Joes garbanzo beans instead of the Aldi ones.  Y'all, they cost $.30 more per can!  Shit adds up!

Speaking of extravagances...overpaying for shitty real estate is highly relatable.  Makes me feel a little less like a schmuck for buying a 5 year old house with foundation issues.

Well at least it wasn't Highlights magazine, amirite?

If you're a mom with minor children during this pandemic, you have my utmost respect.  Not that that means anything or reduces your load in the slightest, but like, I see you.  Wouldn't wanna be you.  Just kidding, that was ignorant.  For real, though, how do you do it?  I couldn't.  You're truly amazing.  

There's a lot of terrible things to kvetch about but this ain't one of 'em.  I am excite.

Analog Reading:

Did rip off the bandaid and read the rest of The Best of Me in one day, and then felt the sort of emptiness you feel after a vacation or a holiday, when you have nothing left to look forward to in the near future.

Read Monogamy by Susan Miller.  Took a while to really get into it, but I enjoyed it.  It felt to me like an Updike novel told from the woman's perspective.

Started Real Life by Brandon Taylor.  

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, a schmear with lox or a pastrami on rye? Anything that comes from Chrissy T is just meaningless blather in the form of excuses.
