Sunday, February 28, 2021

Syllabus #94

Hey, what's new?  Nothing much over here, just had a casual convo with my eye doc on Monday, and he was all, "Here's a hot trend you can jump on before it's cool -" 

And I cut him off and said, "Nah, dawg, I've already thought about getting frames like Larry David or Danny DeVito but they don't flatter my face shape." 

And he was like, "No, that's not it.  Wait for it - getting cataract surgery!"  

And I was all, "But good sir, I am only 35." 

And so he was like, "Well alright, give it a year or two, but you're def gonna need it, baby."  


Here's a bunch of stuff I had a hard time reading this week.  Not because it was upsetting, or because I lack reading comprehension skills, but because I'm nearly blind!  


"At the time, Berger was incredulous at what was happening to him in a country that he had called home since 1959. 'After 75 years, this is ridiculous. I cannot believe it,' he told the Washington Post. 'I cannot understand how this can happen in a country like this. You’re forcing me out of my home.'"  Oh, so, just like... you and the other Nazis forced...Jewish people...out of their homes?  And then killed them?  Is it a little bit like that?

 When I first heard stories about the 4-5 figure electric bills some Texans received, I was completely appalled, but these people willingly signed up for an adjustable/market rate utility billing plan?  But surely, as the guy interviewed here says, no one in their right mind could have anticipated rates spiking the way they did.  That's just a big old shit sandwich with the crust cut off (which everyone knows is the best part, duh) no matter how you slice it.

I think this is the guy who stole my mail in December!  I'm not like, delighted to be robbed, but my view on things is that if you're a grownass person and you go around stealing from people in broad daylight, things are not going great for you.  Maybe you are suffering from a mental illness or maybe you are in dire economic straits and acting out of desperation.  I'm wasn't demonizing this Wario-looking porch pirate, is what I'm saying.  But this guy is clearly on some kinda spree over here and it would be cool if he'd knock it off.

Just like this, but with Amazon packages and Christmas cards instead of preposterously large gold coins

Speaking of Nashville, here comes the eternal question:  To hate watch, or not to hate watch?  The trailer alone gave me hives, and I came close to letting out a spontaneous woo towards the end.  

Go ahead and make a list of stupider things to get mad about than the gender neutralization of Mr. Potato Head.  I'll wait.  Are you done?  Is there like one thing on that list?  Did you even write anything?  

Analog Reading:

Reading Everywhere You Don't Belong by Gabriel Bump.  Too early to form an opinion, but the prose and pacing are snappy and I'm enjoying it so far.

Read Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam.  It went down a darker road, in terms of the outlook for all of humankind, than I expected.  I went into it ready for an exploration of the biases and expectations we all have for people of other races/cultures, and how people respond to a crisis when they are forced together with virtual strangers.  But shit was real dark.

Finished Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart.  It spanned the main character's entire childhood and young adulthood and yet it felt, rightly, as though nothing happened.  Just a seemingly endless cycle of a boy getting his hopes up that his mother will get sober, and seeing them dashed.  It was tough to read.

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