Sunday, April 18, 2021

Syllabus #101

Let the record show that I once had two kitties snuggling with me.  This never happens.  Also, I managed to sleep in until 7 instead of waking up at 4:55 or earlier, even on a weekend, and immediately launching my brain into a Times Square News Ticker of all the things I have to do and all the ways I will probably screw them up.

A Tale of Two Kitties / I really did wake up like this

So we went to Jeni's the other night because the power was out and we were forced (forced, I say) to go out for burritos and ice cream, and THEY DID NOT HAVE THIS FLAVOR.  I flipped over a table choked back my tears and got some bomb ass fudgey chocolate ice cream instead.

What do we owe to Hemingway's influence?  This article seems to say, 'not much of any value.'  Yea yea, I get that your fave is problematic and all that, and I wouldn't wanna jump in bed with the guy, but you can't deny that his writing style was and continues to be tremendously influential.  

Not gonna lie, I assumed the show's actual title, Mare of Easttown, was a play on the Philly accent, and she was the elected official serving as the head of her town's governing body.  And her kids get out their box of 96 Crayolas and make drawings with their crowns.  Anyway, I can't wait to watch a British lady mimic my beloved Philadelphia English.

Alternate caption:  What an ass.

This is unbelievable.  Next time I'm having a rough day at work I'll have to remember that at least I'm not lost at sea, eating raw birds and becoming poisoned by the poisonous snake ingested by the bird that I just killed with my bare hands.

Analog Reading:

Finally finished Big Time by Jen Spyra.  The titular story was worth wading through some of the less inspired stories.  It was hilarious and absurd but also made raised some thought-provoking ideas about female solidarity and wokeness.

Started Patricia Lockwood's No One Is Talking About This.  I can tell I'm going to love it.  It feels very aloof and of-the-moment, specific yet totally relatable.

Still working on A Swim in a Pond in the Rain.  It's overdue at the library, so now I'm the worst kind of hypocrite.  A librarian with an overdue book.  I think I should probably just buy this book because I see it more as a reference tool than a one-off pleasure read.  But you know, at least when I do the worst thing I can possibly do in my job, nobody dies (see:  cops killing unarmed black and brown men, women, and children.  If you're upset about that non-sequitur, you should also be furious about the non-sequitur that is being murdered for having an air freshener in your car or some other type of utter bullshit).  

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