Sunday, August 22, 2021

Syllabus #119

I am writing this from beyond the grave.  I am clinically dead, killed, murdered, utterly mauled and dismembered because last night Lola looked at me and meowed and halfway through the meow it turned into a yawn and there's just no coming back from that lethal dosage of cuteness.  

Well Tennessee is really having a terrible horrible no good very bad week:

This nearby flooding is catastrophic and sad.  

Phil Valentine finally kicking the bucket is v predictable and way less sad (unless you're his family, but you're probably a bunch of problematic jerks and you're just now reaping what you've sown).

In other news:

Well this just seals the deal.  We're not gonna make it out of this thing.  People are just too entirely fucking dumb.  "Well I don't trust that Doctor Fauci and the billions of dollars of science they used to make that dang microchip delivery system, but I saw a thang on Facebook and now I'm fixin' to go down to the Tractor Supply and get me some horse medicine to cure my covids."

Okay, I know I shat on the seasonally preemptive pumpkin recipes last week, but shantay you stay, apple recipes.  

My mind is actually blown that you can MAKE Chicken Kiev (or Chicken Cordon Bleu) and not just like, take it from a box in the freezer and stick it in the oven.  My grandmom used to buy frozen Chickens Kiev and Corden Bleu for our dinners on the regs, and you can't tell from the outside which one it's going to be.  I was like a mufukkin Puppy Surprise cutting into one of those shits.  I would come to the dinner table salivating at the thought of the gooey hammy cheesy Cordon Bleu and be utterly destroyed when I stabbed into my chicken and had hot butter squirt me in the face.

There could be three, or four, or five!

Analog Reading:

Devoured The Mothers by Brit Bennett.  This was her first novel, published in 2016, when she was ONLY TWENTY SIX.  It was phenomenal.  Not quite as expansive as her 2020 follow up,  The Vanishing Half, but I loved every page of it and was completely in awe when I realized how young she was when she wrote it.

Halfway through This Will All Be Over Soon, a memoir about losing a close family member and mourning his death right as the world was shutting down in March 2020, by SNL's Cecily Strong.  Despite the subject matter, I thought it would be funny?  Spoiler's not really funny.  Brief moments of wit, but mostly, sad.

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