Sunday, March 6, 2022

Syllabus #142

What is there to say, really?  The whole world has felt like a trash fire for at least the last 6 years (but who's counting?) but we dropped some especially combustible shit on the top of the pile lately.  We went from the glowing embers of a world experiencing a momentary ebb in covid cases, to the raging inferno of a world where nuclear plants are on fire from enemy shellfire?  So whatever I have to say here is of no consequence.  If you feel like doing something, I hear World Central Kitchen has a 100% on Charity Navigator and Chef Jose Andres and his crew are feeding Ukranian refugees in various locations, so there's that.

I couldn't agree with this more.  Clown cars for everyone.  

Speaking of piles of burning refuse, let's add some kindling - there goes young people's access to information, there go the careers of librarians and teachers...

Analog Reading:

Finished Station Eleven.  It came to a satisfying conclusion.  I love a book where you at least find out what became of the important players, even if it wasn't the outcome you hoped for or expected.  I loved this book but I think I want to let it simmer on the back burner of my brain before I watch the TV show.  Honestly who am I kidding, I'll probably never watch the show, but I'm curious about it now that I've read the book.

Reading Stephen King's The Stand.  Buckle up, y'all, because this is the unabridged version that clocks in over 1300 pages so this is going to take a minute.  I'm currently on page 127 and my Kindle took the liberty of informing me that I have read only 10% of the book.  I have never read a Stephen King novel before.  Short stories and On Writing, but no novels.  Andy recommended it as another good pandemic novel to follow Station Eleven, and it's an interesting enough premise so far, but I just wish the guy would stop using the n word.  It adds nothing to the story or the characterization of the people using the word, and I know the book was written decades ago but I just can't get past the fact that no white person ever on earth has any business using the Hard-R N Word, in speech or in writing.  

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