Sunday, March 27, 2022

Syllabus #145

Returning to work after spring break feels like getting hauled back into jail after you tunneled your way out with a spoon like in Ernest Goes to Jail.  You had that one brief gasp of fresh air, and then it's back in the slammer.  With good behavior, however, my sentence will end in just 9 weeks.

Very Important - have you seen this woman?  I think the people seeking the real Mavis Beacon are missing the point.  When they created this website, did they type it up without looking, their fingers positioned properly on the home keys?  Yea?  Ok, well it was then that Mavis carried you.  She is within you.  She is all around you.  Every time you feel those little grooves on the F and J keys beneath your pointer fingers, Mavis is there.  You don't have to search for Mavis, because she never left you.  Amen.

A must read.  Suleika is an inspiration to us all.  I get a head cold* and I'm like, clear my calendar, leave me alone, bring me blankets, I'm not doing a damn thing.  I can't imagine having such resolve to keep moving forward in the face of a life-threatening illness.  Sending her positive vibes for a smooth journey back to health.

*...I mean like, now.  Because it could be 'rona and you have to milk that shit even if your rapid test comes up negative.  In the before times, I was that asshole who showed up to work sick, and snotted all over the place, and blew my nose raw while denying that anything was wrong and also refusing to take any OTC medicine because 'you gotta save that for when you're actually sick so you don't build up a tolerance for it and then it doesn't work when you really need it.'

Analog Reading:

This week really got away from me.  In a cruel twist of fate, I've been too busy to read much, and yet I'm starting to enjoy The Stand more.  It's been a few hundred pages since King felt the need to drop any n-bombs, and all the disparate characters are pretty much converged in one of two places so it's easier to keep track of everyone.  Certain characters who were kind of douches when the story began have shown a lot of personal growth and I'm quite fond of them now.  That being said, shit's getting weirder and weirder and, as ever, there's a ton of body horror.  Not the greatest book to read when you're eating, as I am wont to do on my lunch break, but honestly, I'd subject myself to much worse just to get 20 minutes of uninterrupted peace during my work day.

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