Sunday, September 4, 2022

Syllabus #166

A very inebriated man at a bar told me today that I'm a redneck now because I live in redneck country and I tried to tell him 'SIR, I have lived in redneck country all my life' but he was too busy ranting about how our country is great because our ancestors were all rednecks who built things.  I think he was just compensating because, moments before, I broke his heart when he pointed to Andy and asked if that was my boyfriend.  I said, 'nah, HUZZBAND' and Andy said, 'Sorry, bro, 12 years.'  We left almost immediately after this happened.  The vehicle parked next to ours was a preposterously large pickup with a high caliber bullet in the place where an antenna would be.  I am certain it belonged to that guy.

Just thinking about alfredo sauce triggers my gag reflex.  Pray for the people of Memphis, especially the TDOT workers who have to clean up this unspeakable horror.  

I want this booster so bad, but I think I need to wait because I just had me a big ol' covid time back in late June/early July?  What is the guidance here?  The article was like, yea probably wait six months, but also maybe 3 is fine?  Look, I don't care if that shit makes me glow in the dark, I just don't want to be locked in a room with my life on pause for 10+ days again any time soon.

Analog Reading:

The Wind (finally) Done (actually) Gone.  Sorry, didn't love it.  I respected it, but I'm glad I'm not still reading it.

Now we've moved on to Either/Or by Elif Batuman.  It's her follow-up to the 2018 novel, The Idiot, which, like an idiot, I read twice because I forgot that I had read it previously until about 1/4 of the way through the 2nd read.  It's an apt portrait of being at once socially alienated and, by appearances, outwardly functional.

1 comment:

  1. I'm from South Jersey, technically south of the Mason Dixon Line. I ain't no redneck, I'm a southern Belle! But I need to get to cowtown. Good info on the booster. Don't forget flu shot. A shame that crappy take on GWTW didn't read well.
