Sunday, August 25, 2024

Syllabus #262

Childless cat lady, reporting for duty.  

We tried to take our cat visitor to animal control, but they were like, "So sorry, no vacancy, that's your cat now, lady!"  And I was like, "Is that because I touched it last?  Are we really doing this?"

So $300 and a flea comb later, Lucy is my new Drug, Disease, and Drama Free roommate.  No FeLV, no FIV, no parasites.  All her shots and a clean bill of health.  A flea or two.  We're working on it.  Does she have a uterus?  She's not telling!  I guess the vet tried all the non-surgical ways of discerning whether she's been spayed, and none of them were conclusive.  So she could be spayed, or she could be about to spray a littler of kittens all over my bathroom in a few weeks.  She's probably spayed.  But if she's not, we learned that cats can still get all the abortions they want in the state of Tennessee, so there's that.

We are slowly introducing the idea of her presence to the other cats, and so far they are surprisingly unbothered.  We served them dishes of Special Occasion Wet Food on a towel that Lucy has been sleeping on.  They ate with gusto.  We'll do that again tonight, and then tomorrow we'll graduate to setting up Charlie's big dog crate in the doorway to Lucy's room and feeding all of them at the same time where they can see each other through the crate but not get at each other.  If that goes well, the next night, we'll collapse the crate and stand it across the doorway, so they can see each other and be in closer proximity while eating.  If that doesn't result in a lot of hissing and yowling, then we might be ready to let them eat in the same space the next night?  


Analog Reading:

Still plugging away at The Institute.  It's not my favorite Stephen King ever, but I'm not not enjoying it.  The main problem is that I have had mostly abbreviated segments of time in which to read lately, so I haven't gotten into a good flow with this book.

1 comment:

  1. Well I say get them all registered for your favorite political party so you get extra votes! Sounds like a great plan in place and hope to meet her in October. I'm on a quest to read all dorothea benton frank's novels. SK is too scary except your recommendations.
