Sunday, November 15, 2020

Syllabus #79

Was it just last weekend that we were celebrating a Biden/Harris victory?  That was hopeful and all, but meanwhile, 2020 keeps goose-stepping onward at a pace I don't quite understand.  What even is anything anymore?  I just go to work every day with the knowledge that my job will possibly kill me, really pound the living shit out of the 'other duties as assigned' bit of my position description, and walk out the doors at the end of the day wondering what the hell is the point of anything we are doing?

Please enjoy this decaying shack as a metaphor for my mental wellbeing.

This is comedy gold but the jokes have already written themselves.  It's a very fitting denouement to the ineptitude and outrageous behavior of the past four years. 

The only one of us who has managed to make 2020 their bitch is a giant orange sociopath, but not the one you're thinking of.  Gritty.

What a mensch.  To anyone who customarily receives a Christmas gift from me, buckle up because your "stockings" are getting stuffed with holi-dildos from Fantasy Island.

Now let's take a turn into serious territory.  This is important information and much-needed perspective.  

Peter Turchin sounds like he's a lot of fun at parties.  Also, hold me.

Analog Reading:

Grown Ups by Emma Jane Unsworth.  For once, a book set in non-pandemic contexts that was, narcissistically, relatable.  A 35-year old woman flops her way through life blinded to emotional needs of those closest to her because of self-centered, self-loathing tendencies and a crippling addiction to her phone and social media.  ISN'T IT GREAT TO FEEL SEEN?

Just started The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett.  Obviously, it's very good so far. 

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