Sunday, August 7, 2022

Syllabus #162

Lenny, former street feline, current house gremlin

Dried apricot vagina is not a phrase I'll soon forget.

If a cat has ever really lived outside, and they're smart, once you bring them in, they're never leaving.  Don't try to tell me that a cat that used to subsist on cicadas, dime bags, and snow is going to be dumb enough to walk out on a warm soft bed to sleep in and a plate of Fancy Feast every night.  Pretty sure even with his ass stitched up and a cone of shame around his neck, Lenny looked at his first plate of wet food and went full Scarlett O'Hara at the end of Gone With the Wind.  As god is his witness, he will never eat lizards again.  

He's much better now

Not a lot of context or commentary to provide for this one, but it's rad.  

Analog Reading:

Lapvona by Ottessa Moshfegh was weird and dark and viscerally disgusting, but I actually liked it.  I wasn't sure how I'd feel, based on reviews, but I was into it.  The scene in which Lord Villiam plucked out a gray pube really resonated with me.

Just started Yes Chef:  A Memoir by Marcus Samuelsson.  If you're not familiar with him, he's the head chef of Red Rooster in Harlem, but was born in Ethiopia and raised in Sweden by adoptive parents.  His life trajectory is super interesting.

1 comment:

  1. Apricots, hah. The 3rd sentence still applies to a now 66 yr old. Kick butt soon. I ordered the famous Alice Randall's not Gone With the Wind. Probably will be my book club selection if not Memphis.
