Sunday, August 21, 2022

Syllabus #164

 leaving this here to motivate myself to schlep down to Costco and buy some relatively healthy convenience foods for work lunches.

We're dropping in late today.  That's been the theme of the weekend.  Saturday I slept in past 8:00 which is unheard of.  Unprecedented.  Without precedent.  Saturday night, we stayed out way past our bedtimes at Emo Night, marinating in Emo Night Beer (not too sad, not too hoppy) and millennial, pop-punk nostalgia.  I felt like a high school bully making amends to all the people she tormented, willingly bopping to the likes of Good Charlotte and other bands that, back in the day, I either viscerally hated for being corporate sell-outs or couldn't have cared less about because they were too whiny.

Someone at the show complimented my back tattoo, and I thanked him, saying, "Yea, I appreciate the compliment, it started out as a horrible prison tat so I had to get it covered up pretty extensively."  Who's to say, but from the look on the guy's face, I think he walked away believing I had actually been incarcerated.  I'd just like to let the record state, Judgey McJudgerson, that I've really turned my life around.

Thanks, Amtrak Joe.  I choo-choo-choose you.

This food diary is truly unhinged.  

Analog Reading:

Regretfully, my reading momentum has really slowed down since school started.  I'm just about to finish Yes, Chef by Marcus Samuelsson.  The arc of his career is impressive, and it's clear how hard he has worked to achieve such high points in his culinary life:  cooking the first state dinner for the Obama administration, winning top chef, winning James Beard awards, etc.  

Samuelsson's emphasis on chasing flavors inspired me, briefly, to make a salad, yes an MF'ing salad that earned high praise from Andy.  I probably saw something similar on the 'grams or on a restaurant menu before, but I feel like I kind of just made this up.  I served it with my signature quiche (if you know, you know), and it's all totes my signature dish now.  Hear me out.  Arugula, feta, quick-pickled red onions, walnuts lightly toasted in a skilled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar with a dash of garlic powder, salt and pepper, and the final flourish, figs cut in half, brushed with olive oil, and run under the broiler.  Top it with a dijon vinaigrette.  Hell yes, chef.

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