Sunday, August 4, 2024

Syllabus #259

Hi, guess who?

Fun's over

Ok, fine, it's me.  We don't have to play games about it.  I'm back from my self-imposed hiatus.  For today, at least.  And this time, I did my homework.  Here's some junk I glanced at around the internet:


Omg!  I lol'ed.  I rofl'ed.

Just in case you need some new reading material:  What to read next?

God I love a hydrangea.

What I'm taking away from this is twofold.  First, I'm excited about Kamala.  Second, maybe I should run for President so I don't have to do the dishes anymore.

Don't get me wrong, dogs are great and loyal and loving, but winning the affection of a cat feels like true validation.

How to party without regrets?  Lol that's cute.  The only way for me to do that is to stay home and pet my cats instead.  Go to a party and stay totally sober?  Well everyone thought I was uptight and boring.  Go to a party and I don't really know anyone besides the host?  I'm probably going to eat all of your cheese and leave with a tummy ache.  Go to a party and have even one drink?  I will lose several nights of sleep obsessing over every possible weird or unintentionally rude thing I may have said.

Analog Reading:

Also, I've been reading books.  The Summer of Steve marches on:

After I finished Amanda Montell's The Age of Magical Overthinking, I devoured Kathleen Hanna's autobiography, Rebel Girl, and then jumped straight back into the arms of our dark overlord Stephen King.

11/22/63 was incredible.  Yes, the supernatural element of time travel sounds corny as hell, but once you suspend your disbelief about that, it's honestly a delightful book with very few n-words and not that much violence.  It's also kind of an anti-Candide.  Maybe the 'best of all possible worlds' is the one you already happen to live in.  Don't complicate things trying to perfect them.

Misery started off kind of slowly for me, but once I got into the groove of it, I couldn't put it down.  The movie version with Kathy Bates is excellent, and I think she was perfect for the role of Annie Wilkes, but SWEET JESUS the book is so much more graphic and the gore-meter definitely goes to 11 in this one.

Now I'm halfway through Pet Sematary and it's doing that thing that King does so well, where he lulls you into a false sense of complacency.  He builds this world that actually seems kind of nice, with characters you find endearing, and then he lets the evil creep in, little by little.

1 comment:

  1. Happy you're posting again. I needed the book list, I'm putting James on hold today. Speaking of another James..Jimmy Carter's goal is to vote for Kamala. So cats who are misused have a problem with that human? I must be part Wondering if you have a summer book total. Both of us in this house probably aren't close to your number!
