Sunday, August 18, 2024

Syllabus #261


The Universal Cat Distribution System has struck again.  

This Very Hunger Cat(erpillar) showed up on our porch a few days ago, absolutely demanding to speak to the manager food.  No ordinary stray, this cat is large in stature, appears relatively well-fed, does not have a tipped ear, and was torn between snarfing food and being petted.  He/she/it wanted it all, and they wanted it right. meow.  This is definitely someone's pet, or at least it was until recently.  We think it's probably a female, but if it's a male, it's definitely neutered.  It shows up, meow-shouting, without fail, every time we open the door to put out food for the other community cats.  

I posted pictures and descriptions in multiple neighborhood Facebook groups and nobody seems to care about this poor kitty.  We suspect someone may have given it the boot because it's loud and annoying, but it's also very sweet and friendly.  I don't want to say anything I can't take back, but I'm afraid we might be edging into 3rd cat territory with this visitor.  It's unlikely that Lola will accept this friend as a sibling, but I feel like we are the suckers who will bring this cat inside and let it live rent-free in our guest bathroom until we can find it a foster.

Mystery cat

No links this week.  I barely had time to read my book!


Analog Reading:

On the subject of books, I read Elevation by (do I even need to say it?) Stephen King.  It was uncharacteristically short, and almost eerily non-violent and sweet.  I'm not sure why this novella-length work was packaged as a standalone book, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.  

Now I'm reading King's The Institute, which seems like a somewhat self-conscious play on the concept of the X-Men.  I'm just getting into it right now, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it.  Stephen King is like pizza.  It might not always be the best pizza you've ever had in your life, but it's still gonna be aight.

1 comment:

  1. Kitty no-name has some green eyes. What if Lola adopts I have a pile of books to read and holds to pick up!
