Sunday, August 11, 2024

Syllabus #260

Oh hi there, how was the first week of school?



I kid, I kid.  It was actually pretty productive despite the long hours and the warp speed at which I had to accomplish a lot of tasks in a short period of time.  But now I'm tired and will remain in a state of mid-level exhaustion until May, so it's been nice knowing you.


How do I sign up to become an Italian mayor?

“It’s not about being selfish and saying, ‘I’m not having kids because I want to sleep in all the time,’” Dr. Guzzo said. “When fertility rates are down, to me, that’s because people don’t feel like they have a future that they feel confident in.”  Por que no los dos?  I have enough trouble sleeping through the night without throwing a crying baby in the mix, AND ALSO the world is on fire.

These censorship laws are enraging.  I read V.C. Andrews' twincest manifesto, Flowers in the Attic, when I was in 6th grade and I turned out just fine.  Trust me, whatever a kid doesn't already have context for goes right over their heads.  It does not warp them, it does not groom them, it does not turn them gay.  If reading a book about a character who is different from you can turn you into that character, hoo boy, I'd be in some serious trouble.  


Speaking of reading, I'm still chipping away at Pet Sematary.  I can totally see why this would be the Stephen King book that, ahem, puts the nail in the coffin for a lot of women, especially those who are or want to be mothers.  Fortunately, I'm a soulless monster/childless cat lady, so I can read it with detachment, but damn, Steve, this one's especially messed up!

1 comment:

  1. No rest for the weary or the librarian. I think I'd like to move to Prosecco except I never drink it but the scenery! First you learn to read and then you can read to learn. If you don't care to learn, that's your problem. So my Stephen King obsessed sister began reading Pet Sematary early in her 1st pregnancy and was so disturbed she stopped reading and never picked up one of his books again.
