Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hump Day

I feel like the one on the bottom.  I'm always getting the shaft.

Earlier today, I was thinking about how Wednesday is my second-favorite day (next to Sunday, my only day off).  I get to sleep in and go to the gym in the morning, but I still earn some bucks during a nice little four-hour shift at the library.  This is the day I file looseleaf updates of legal resources, and it's wonderful.  I just listen to music and perform this methodical, solitary task.  At least I tell myself that it's wonderful.  It's actually kind of insultingly easy and repetitive, and the tissue-papery pages I'm handling really suck all the moisture out of my hands, but shit, it's better than working at McDonalds.  A real job offering a living wage and health insurance would be legitimately wonderful, but you have to find the silver lining.

I had one last hope for living like a real adult in this godforsaken backwater hellhole.  I applied for a job (for the third and final time, I can take a hint) at the university's library.  A job that doesn't even require an MLIS, but a full-time, benefits-included job nonetheless.  I interviewed for the job two weeks ago, and received the world's most awkward phone call today, informing me that I wasn't selected for the job.  I'm not sure if I was more angry about the rejection or the awkwardness of the phone call.  I don't even know if it's possible to accurately convey the awkwardness with text - it wasn't the fact of being rejected via phone, it was the quality of this particular phone call.  But I was (and am) mighty pissed about the whole thing.

So I am working on an escape plan.  Or a retreat plan.  Whatever you want to call it, but it definitely involves going back to New Jersey.  Idaho, it's not me, it's you.  You just suck, and I hate you.


  1. Idaho? Sucking? What?

    I coulda told you that.

    I know what you mean about enjoying the solitary, monotonous tasks. Once every couple of months I have to go to a small room way up in the corner of the theatre and sort gel. I'm totally alone doing a mindless task, so I bring some music, crank it up, and sing at the top of my lungs. Oddly soothing.

  2. good riddance; we don't want you here anyways

  3. sorry, that was uncalled for

  4. Your situation sounds frustrating, but at least you have a great sense of humor about it. I moved here as a transplant myself, and I know it's hard to maintain optimism when nothing is going according to plan. Especially when the plan wasn't that great to begin with! If you end up staying here to do something worthwhile, I think you'll find that Idaho isn't all that bad. I enjoy your blog, but think you could give a little more of yourself within your writing. The humor is consistently great, but the subject matter is a little redundant and superficial. And by that I mean, you have such a strong voice, I'd like to hear what's troubling or engaging you on a deeper, more meaningful level. But keeping the snark in tact of course! Thanks! - PJL

  5. you're the Lelaina Pierce of Idaho!

  6. MonsteRawr - haha, I should have consulted you before moving here. No one seeming to know where Idaho even IS should have been a red flag from the get go, but meh! Such is life.

    First (and second?) anonymous person - I can't tell if that was sarcastic or not...if it was, carry on. If it was intended to be mean because you don't like what I write, then you're probably wasting your time reading this.

    Third anonymous person - Thanks for the constructive criticism, seriously. If the posts seem redundant, it's probably a reflection of feeling like my whole damn life is redundant. You know, not doing anything special and just going through the motions, trying to scrape by. I'll try to dig a little deeper, but I'm not good at expressing genuine feelings. Hence the blog title. I tend to swallow feelings. Not by literally eating to numb the pain, but just shoving them aside and ignoring a lot of them in typical Lutheran/Scandinavian fashion. Oh to be Jewish and expressive!

    Fourth anonymous commenter - Gonna have to admit I'm a huge asshat and had to google that reference. Adding Reality Bites to the old Netflix queue as we speak!

  7. I can't wait to get out of here too. Idaho is destroying my soul. Soon I'll be a misanthropic, angry shut in. I think my anti-Idaho sentiments are completely justified.


  8. Yea, it's just not a good place to be. It's a shame because it has a lot of potential. This could be a really cool town but it's too isolated and that has a weird, unpleasant affect on people's mentalities. It's like a giant high school with all kinds of catty cliques and no room for 'new kids.' It's the pits.
