Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Reason #4,987

that I'm a horrible person.  Or just really committed to earning my honorary Jewdom:

I got a pamphlet in the mail today with all this propaganda about Gerber baby food and infant formula, accompanied by a $15 coupon for formula.  FIFTEEN DOLLARS!  That's so much money.  The first thing I said to Andy about it? 

"I wish we had a baby so I could use this coupon."

Jewiest thing I have ever said.  Leave the menorah burning for me, people of Abraham.  I'm coming home.


  1. HA! You should try to use that coupon to redeem something else, like ice cream. See if they notice.

  2. Is this your subtle way of telling us you're pregnant? I wouldn't put it past you :-P

  3. Haha, ice cream sounds like a great idea. Or beer. Or better yet, just buy the formula with the coupon and then return it without the receipt to another store! Oh wait that is actually stealing.

    Regarding pregnancy, I thought I might be, so I bought a home pregnancy test. I didn't have to pee, though, so I drank a Four Loko to speed things up. Halfway through the can, I blacked out. There's still a possibility that I'm pregnant, but now I have no idea who the father might be.
