Thursday, January 13, 2011


It's over!  Sort of.  The end is nigh.  We're almost done here.  We're getting there.

The movers came this morning.  It went pretty smoothly, and I have high hopes that this move will turn out better than the last.  Customer service wise, our last move sucked in ways that I could adequately describe only by using incredibly vulgar language.  So just let your imagination run wild and try to think of the most disgusting thing I could possibly say (just remember we're dealing with me here, so it's probably pretty bad). 

But I digress.  Coming out here, the movers were 4 or 5 days late, which was inconvenient for a lot of reasons.  Foremost of which, I had to go buy new clothes for a job interview.  That turned out to be a huge waste of money, because the clothes were ugly and I obviously didn't get the job.  Also, the inventory was done so sloppily and carelessly that we appeared to be missing a box, contents unknown.  We never could figure out what was missing, so we chalked it up to inaccurate numbering, but the claims people were total dicks about helping me sort out the problem.

The guy that took my stuff today was really thorough, and he seemed to know what he was doing.  I followed him around like a hemorrhoid and made my own incredibly detailed inventory to make sure I will know exactly what I'm missing if any boxes go AWOL.  To put a cherry on top of this relocation sundae, the dude expects to deliver our stuff on Wednesday, which means I'll roll off the plane and probably be reunited with my stuff in a matter of hours.  Sah-weet.

Now all we need to do is find a reasonably priced apartment that has a washer and dryer in-unit (I'm going cold turkey on laundromats, guys) that allows cats that aren't declawed.  Is that a new thing?  I've never seen rental restrictions on cats with claws before.  I just don't understand.  Ajax is such a good cat - he's too dopey to do anything bad.  Why don't we also pull out his teeth, cut his vocal cords, amputate his legs, and give him a catheter so he just lays silent in one spot, looking pitiful and yearning for his death?  Seriously, dudes, how about if I rip out your toenails and see how you like it?

Oh, by the way, as I'm typing this I'm in my bathrobe sitting in front of a window and I just noticed a creepy child playing in the snow and looking at me.  I'm going to close the curtains now, thanks, weird little girl.  And don't judge me for being in my bathrobe at 4:30 in the afternoon.  I do what I want.  After the movers left, I did pilates for a little bit, read a book, and then fell asleep on the floor.  I finally forced myself to get a shower, but only because the prospect of dinner at Casa Lopez, our favorite restaurant in town, is shimmering and sparkling in the near future.  One perk of having almost nothing in your house is that you either eat cereal for dinner or go out.  I'm all about eating breakfast for every meal, but Andy demands real food so out we go. 

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