Sunday, January 9, 2011

Movin' On Up!

To the East Side.  To a deluxe Mom's Basement in New Jersey.

It's been a few weeks since we (the royal we) have graced you with our internet presence.  And for good reason!  Big changes are afoot, and I was too busy being busy to do much internetting.  Really, though, I was too busy eating, drinking, being merry, gaining weight, and abusing my liver (while pretending that Christmas was Hanukkah, of course).

Remember that reason-for-leaving Idaho/potential-job to which I alluded in early December?  You probably don't, but it's so exciting.  I went crawling back to my old workplace.  But it didn't feel like crawling.  It really was more like marching triumphantly, because I'll be doing something much more interesting and resume-worthy than I did before.  Which is good, because the job is temporary.  I expect to work from February through December, which gives me a nice chunk of time to search for permanent employment.  Oh, and did I mention this job is in a school, and I have the summer off?  Because that's clearly the most important and awesome part. 

So here I am, basking in the glow of Real Job, and packing up everything we own so we can move back to New Jersey 6 months after I got here.  Should the switching of pronouns in the previous sentence confuse you, let me clarify.  I am  packing things (though Andy would like it to be known that he has helped) because WE are moving.  I have been here only 6 months, but Andy came here last January.  Let me reiterate:  WE are moving!  Not just me, but we.  This is a big deal and a recent development, because, up until a few days ago, we thought Andy was going to stay here for another semester while I schlepped it back to my mom's house to hang out with her and Linus for a few months.  Which, not gonna lie, I was kind of looking forward to doing.  They're pretty cool, and Linus licks your nose if you put your face near his.  Linus is a dog.

Instead, we are schlepping back to my mom's house, but only for the time it takes us to find an apartment.  I really love how disorganized this is going to be.  My OCD is in overdrive right now and I'm kind of going a little nuts.  What are we sending with the movers?  What are we giving away?  What do I need to leave unpacked until the last minute?  What do I need to take with me in case the movers are late delivering our stuff (again)?  I've been making lists to the excessive extent that I caught myself pondering a list of lists that I needed to make.  I find myself in the oxymoronic position of creating so many lists that I am listless.  Surrounded by written reminders of everything I need to do, and so overwhelmed that I am unable to form coherent verbal sentences. 

That is, unless I am yelling.  I can actually articulate my thoughts if I use a loud, shrewish tone and punctuate each sentence with an epithet such as, "JESUS CHRIST!" or, "FOR F*CK'S SAKE!"  I wish I had more people/animate objects to yell at.  Andy and Ajax are really taking a verbal beating this week.  Andy, I'm sorry.  Ajax, I would apologize to you, too, but you can't read or use the internet, and you don't understand words or feelings except 'hungry' and 'gotta poop' and 'warm'.

1 comment:

  1. Ain't moving fun? While I miss the excitement, I do NOT miss the stress of finding an apartment, packing, moving, unpacking, and on and on. Moving sucks.
