Sunday, April 5, 2020

Syllabus #47

The Sunday Evening Post edition.  I hope the weekend has been kind to you.  Please enjoy this picture of a fence I found delightful on my walk today.  Fences keep us separated, but they can also be a source of unexpected joy.  Make of that what you will.

Not the bookstores....Support your local bookstore if you can - I got Andy a gift card from our local shop for his birthday, and the owner personally emailed me to say thank you.  If you can afford it, do what you can to support the businesses you hope to still patronize when this is over. 

How far do virus particles really travel in outdoor spaces?  What protections do masks really offer?  I can't read all this without picturing Lena Dunham in a towel, Googling "what about the stuff that gets up around the sides of condoms."

Two takeaways from this NYT article about Philadelphia in the 1918 flu:  Hot toddies are the answer to everything, and Philly (adjacent) will always be home.

Yea, the demonization of Carol Baskin is problematic, but it is still the least weird thing about Tiger King.

Related:  Are you mourning the end of Tiger King?  Don't cry because it's over, be glad that it happened, and also, treat yourself to this

Think about your privilege.  Where are you during all this?  Upstairs or downstairs? 

The South will rise again (in cases and deaths from COVID-19)

This seems like such a weird and misguided thing to do.  I need to be more informed about this issue, but my first thoughts are that I'm sure it sounded like a great idea at first, but let's think it through.  Libraries and booksellers may be physically closed, but they are still making ebooks available, which the article doesn't get around to mentioning until the last sentence.  I'm all about giving people increased access to information, but ideally that happens through an abundantly funded library system, not a free-for-all where working authors' books are made freely available without their consent.  Even in the best case scenario, if you want to pay nothing (other than your tax dollars) for a popular book, you're probably going to have to wait.  Times are tough all over, reading a public domain ebook while you wait for legally and ethically licensed library copy of the popular title you really want won't be the thing that kills you this month. 

Something to consider as we move forward - how likely are you to die from touching a can of beans?


Finished Tiger King and now I am adrift.  My heart is not ready to move on, and my brain is unwilling to process anything less absurd.  I might have to drop acid and watch Mac and Me.  Just kidding, Mom, I think I'd have to pay to stream that and you know how cheap I am.

We also watched the season finale of High Maintenance, and I there's one more episode of Curb coming.  After that I guess we just don't watch TV anymore. 

Analog Reading:

Finished American Marriage.  That was another heavy one.  The brutality and inhumanity with which society treats whole segments of our population (black men) is matched here by the emotional brutality we turn on ourselves and those closest to us.

Started The Recovering by Leslie Jamison.  I'm about 100 pages deep, and it's a slow read because of how much she leaves the reader to unpack about alcohol addiction.  The past couple days I've been reading it in the late afternoons with a cocktail which feels a little bit like smoking on an airplane but I just now made up a new rule that stipulates you have to be within 6 feet of me to judge me and right now you can't do that so nyah nyah. 

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