Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 30

It's April 30th, but honestly what does that even mean?  Nothing as far as I can tell.

It's the last day of the first round of The Isolation Journals, which seems like it will continue.  Buckle back up for a continued thrill ride of my dark and cavernous mind-shaft.

Today's prompt is from Suleika Jaouad, the project founder herself.

Prompt:  Create a time capsule of the past month. What has this time meant for you? Write about the things you thought about and the things you ate. Write about how your world has stayed the same and also how it’s changed. Write about what you struggled with and maybe would honestly rather forget. Write about where you found delight; the things you fear will fade and want to immortalize for yourself now and for the future you.


My time capsule is wrapped up in a big handkerchief, hobo bindle style.  Without a sewing machine or fabric scraps, my makeshift mask has been this trusty handkerchief, folded just so and secured around the ears with hair ties.

I'm stuffing the bindle full of junk - some I'd like to carry with me on the rest of this journey, the rest I plan to toss off a bridge.  An empty toilet paper tube and hand sanitizer - good riddance.  A sourdough starter, a kombucha scoby, a scallion root regenerating in a shot class full of water.  Tiger King - sashay, you stay.  Zoom - girl, bye.  Fiona Apple's Fetch the Bolt Cutters.  Banana bread.  A dozen books and counting.  

The bindle is getting heavy but as I'm naming the items, I'm feeling lighter.  As my physical freedom decreased, my mental freedom relaxed and expanded, rose and aerated and took on a pleasing tang.  Or maybe that was the sourdough. 

Either way, there's time now in a way there wasn't before.  You know what's not in the bindle?  A watch, or a calendar.  Who needs 'em!  It's today, it's right now, what more do we need?

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