Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 14

I'm gonna file today's prompt under A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again.  It sounded so great, in theory!  So gentle, so affirming!  So sincere.  But it ain't me.  I'm not the one.

Prompt:  (from writer Jen Pastiloff) Write a love note to yourself. Write it from someone else’s point of view. It can be a real person or a made-up person. Start with the line: Dear [your name], If you could see what I see, you’d see that you are ______. 

Write about what they see in you, what they find beautiful. I call this practice “In the Voice of Someone Who Loves You.”


Well, I think I've finally hit a wall this morning with this prompt.  I don't think I can do this one and take it seriously.  Or maybe I'm afraid if I do take it seriously, resist the urge to make a joke, it will still be ridiculous.  Or be shockingly vain.  Or I'll realize I'm objectively not a good person.

Ugh.  Let's give it a shot.

Dear Katie,

If you could see what I see, you'd see that you are sitting upright in bed, writing in a journal.  Nope, too literal.  Try again.

...you'd see that you are surrounded by two animals who, after a full month of quarantine, are more attached to you than ever.  See, you aren't a complete monster!  I mean, Stockholm Syndrome is a thing, and you are their only source of food, but you know, let's not overthink it.

You would see that you are obsessive, or driven.  Let's go with driven, that sounds more complimentary.  You woke up at 6:15 to practice Spanish and do this journaling exercise before you take the dog on the first of his mile-long walks.  And you're doing this before coffee.

You would see that, despite the unwashed hair and the unibrow you are for some reason deliberately cultivating during quarantine like the bridge-troll equivalent of a playoff beard, you are doing your actual best.  Not the best, just your best.  Maybe you're even trying too hard.  Cut yourself some slack and just chill for once.  You are enough.


*Oprah Winfrey does not endorse the contents of this blog, and would certainly have something much more profound and uplifting to say.  That's why she's Oprah and I'm just a poor schmuck who lives down the street from her high school alma mater.

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