Monday, May 20, 2013

Bits and Pieces

Let's just get this little nugget out of the way:

I have finally experienced the last 'age-based privilege' milestone.  While reserving a rental car for last week's work trip, I checked off the box for '25 and up' for the Renter's Age question, thus avoiding any young/high-risk driver surcharges or premiums.  I could have checked that box almost three years ago, but I have never had any reason to rent a car!  Now it's like, what other age-specific milestones are there to look forward to?  Mammograms?  Colonoscopies?  Social Security?  What is the meaning of life now?  It's all down hill from here.

Were you the type to fully embrace milestones as soon as you reached them?  It was such a rush as a teenager.  Sixteen and half?  Learner's permit, right now, pleaseandthankyou!  Seveneenth birthday?  Let's spend it at the DMV!  Eighteen?  Heck yea you'll rent that porno that you won't even watch!  Twenty-one?  Pints of Guinness make you strong, friends.  Now that's all over.  All the fun is over, and it was set to end not with a bang, but a whimper.  And by whimper, I mean a Chevy Spark.  Sincere apologies if this is your ride, but what even is this?

However, the Age-Based Privilege Milestone gods (that I just invented) smiled upon me, and caused Enterprise to be fresh out of economy cars.  Instead, they handed over the keys to this little gem:

So little!

While in Philadelphia, I indulged in some sunny late afternoon strolls through Rittenhouse Square:

Indulged in some retail therapy of the Anthropologie window-shopping variety.  Between the soothing music, gorgeous fabric, and delicious smells, walking into that store always feels like a visit to a spa (until you start looking at price tags):

I can't wait for this shirt to go on sale!
Took totally discrete awkward photos of Kate Flannery on Broad Street (coincidentally the night before The Office series finale):

 Walked around my old neighborhood where I spent my first three semesters of college:

I still have never been inside Dirty Frank's
 Enjoyed a fantastic meal with even better friends:

Giorgio's on Pine
 Rode the train:

All that grime in the yellow safety strip just makes you want to whip out a toothbrush and some bleach and go to town.  Right?  Just me?  Okay.
Looked at the clouds:

Traipsed around the gayborhood:

One block north of here, I saw a guy wearing a suit with flip flops.  He was sitting on his stoop, flicking through his phone with one hand and engaging in a full-on, wrist-deep nose-picking expedition.  I didn't have the hear to take his picture, but I couldn't keep that knowledge inside.  It was the flip flops that really pushed things over the edge.
Got up way too early:

Sunrise over the Delaware, from the Commodore Barry Bridge
 Got comfortable in my window seat:

Best plane supplies
Flew on home:
That snow can melt already, kthanks.

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