Thursday, May 9, 2013

Caprese Grilled Cheese

There are a lot of three-word phrases that can change your life, for better or for worse.

We're having triplets

You've been served

That's not chicken

Let's be friends

Mom, I'm gay

You won $1,000,000

Davy Jones died

You get the picture.  But here are three words that will change your MOUTH forever.

Caprese Grilled Cheese

Here are three more:

On Beer Bread

And for good measure:

You are welcome

I'm not the first person in the world to do this.  Fully aware.  The idea actually came to me in a carb-inspired daydream, and I was a little bummed when a Google search pulled up so many glorious iterations of this sandwich.  But you know what?  I'm happy for all the people who made it to this mouthparty before me.  And I'm pretty sure my tastebuds aren't worried about originality.  I have to pat myself on the back, though, because I didn't see anyone else out there in the internets making their caprese grilled cheese on beer bread.

Posting a recipe for grilled cheese might be on the verge of insulting, but bear with me.  At least it's not a boiled water recipe.  The purpose here is more to tantalize and inspire than to actually instruct.

First you'll want to make your beer bread.  If you have a whole afternoon free to bake the bread and let it cool before assembling your sammiches, go on with your bad self (and then tell me how you have a whole afternoon to yourself, because I need this knowledge).  Otherwise, make your bread the day before.  I followed this recipe because I've used it a few times and it's really easy to customize with herbs and spices, shredded cheese, or any kind of beer you feel like using.  To pair well with the caprese theme, this bread is loaded with dried basil and garlic powder with an extra dash of  sea salt and some cracked black pepper.  Because we're classy, I used a tall can of Tecate and let Andy drink the extra 12 oz, but any kind of beer without an overwhelming flavor will do.

Now comes the insulting part, where I tell you what to stick in this bad boy.  Are you ready?  Get a pencil, because you might have trouble remembering all three ingredients for your grocery list:


That's it!

Two ways - one in the cast iron skillet with plenty of butter, one in the sandwich press:



Don't forget to heat up your soup!

Product placement?

Salivate over the melted cheese

Slice it up, dip it in.  Don't forget your napkin.  You can thank me later, I know your mouth is full.

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