Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday Feels

Andy took this picture of Ajax "cleaning himself."  By the looks of it he has a little more to be ashamed of than personal hygiene.

It's Friday!  I feel like I should be measuring my workday not in minutes or hours remaining, but in the number of emails I still need to send before I feel good about leaving for the day.  Having a conscience/ work ethic is the worst.

I hope everyone has some fun plans for the weekend!  If you don't have any plans, pour yourself a glass of your favorite adult beverage, build a blanket fort, drag your laptop inside, and spend some time checking out these amusing and/or delicious things:

Hanson brews beer now?  Where can one acquire a tall cold bottle of MMMhops?

Also tempting and delicious - this Lemon Buttermilk Bundt Cake from Shutterbean!  I love using my bundt pan, but excuses to do so are few and far bewteen.  Maybe I'll make this for my birthday cake in a few weeks?

Let's switch gears and ruin appetites!  This NYTimes Magazine article by Michael Pollan talks about all the millions of bacteria and microbes that call your skin, orifices, and guts home.  Here's a passage that really hit me:

 “The world is covered in a fine patina of feces,” as the Stanford microbiologist Stanley Falkow tells students. The new sequencing tools have confirmed his hunch: Did you know that house dust can contain significant amounts of fecal particles? Or that, whenever a toilet is flushed, some of its contents are aerosolized? Knight’s lab has sequenced the bacteria on toothbrushes. This news came during breakfast, so I didn’t ask for details, but got them anyway: “You want to keep your toothbrush a minimum of six feet away from a toilet,” one of Knight’s colleagues told me.

Ok, real talk, whose bathroom is big enough that your toilet could be 6 feet away from anything?  Should I suspend my toothbrush from the ceiling?  Keep it in another room?  How about just inside a closed cabinet?  Doesn't closing the toilet lid before flushing circumvent this travesty?  These are the things we need to know - don't leave me hanging, M-Po!

Um, did you guys know that Mermaids aren't real?  Animal Planet, where were your fact checkers when this happened?  Next you'll be trying to say that everything on Finding Bigfoot has been a giant hoax.  Who can we even trust anymore?

I thought after three years of marriage, Andy would be ready to spice things up.  After we went out for our anniversary dinner last night, I dropped a bomb on him - I told him I wanted to start dressing in matching outfits like this couple.  He balked.  My lawyer will be contacting his lawyer shortly, but I'm told it's too late for an annulment.   

Speaking of marriage, these were some really interesting considerations.  I think #2, 4 and 10 are especially important.  I also would like to add that you should really talk in great detail about food preferences (willingness to eat leftovers on consecutive days, willingness to drink microwaved day-old coffee, thoughts on sweet potatoes and butternut squash - these things would have been really productive for us to hash out before prancing down the aisle).

Speaking of prancing (how do you like these awkward segues?) - Sweet Mother of God.  This video has been making the viral rounds this week and it's a thing of beauty.  It takes the Richard Simmons proclamation, "Don't you feel like a pony when you sweat?" to a whole. new. level.

Don't prance too hard out there this weekend, guys.  And cover your toothbrush.

1 comment:

  1. Well, #s 5 and 6 could be deal breakers. lol and I am going to get a wig and some high top reeboks and hit the trail around the park across the street and get my prance on. bwaahahahah
