Tuesday, May 7, 2013


Feeling restless.  It's like that feeling every college student gets by early April when the leaves start exploding and the weather starts to show signs of being totally excellent, and all you want is to be outside doing anything but studying.  Except I'm not a college student, and my work knows no seasons.  Plus, it's already May, but the leaves are just now skeptically emerging from their buds like they aren't convinced it is safe to do so yet.  I feel like I need to make up for lost time in the sun because this winter was just completely brutal and soul-crushing.  Let's not do that again, okay?

Come on little leaf friends, you can do it!

Watching very little TV lately.  Just Mad Men and the Thursday Night NBC lineup.  It's all about podcasts and the internet at the moment, which isn't necessarily any better, and is possibly worse because it speaks to how short my attention span is right now that I don't even want to watch a half hour TV show.  And it's not like I don't spend 8 hours a day staring at a computer screen at work.

Reading Pandora's Lunchbox, which I was eagerly awaiting in the last 'Currently' post.  I'm not very far in because it's been so hard to make time to read lately, but it is interesting.  I'm also waiting for the new David Sedaris and the new Michael Pollan to arrive tomorrow (with Andy's sausage casings...ugh...and some argan oil for me, to smooth over all the wrinkles I would otherwise develop from aggressive frowning during the sausage making process).

Thinking about how I almost flashed the men working on our neighbors' garage roof this morning.  I was getting dressed in the hallway outside my bathroom (because it was too steamy in the bathroom) when I realized I was in the direct sight line of the living room window.  The curtains were open and I, topless, was about 15 feet away from two dudes milling around on the other side of the fence.  I don't think they noticed, but, you know, oops.  Whatever.  I'm in my house.  They would be the perverts for looking.

Craving more of the caprese grilled cheese we had for dinner tonight.  On beer bread!  Don't even try to stop this flavor train!  Expect a post on that later this week.

Take a gander at that basil

Looking forward to going home again!  South Jersey is still 'home' and I can't bring myself to consider another.  Andy always tries to correct me - he claims that Utah is home now, but it's totally not.  I'm flying back, just in time for Mother's Day, to go to a 3-day training seminar in Philly for work.  Super stoked to see family and friends again, and pretty pumped about riding the train and getting to walk around the city.  I miss the grit and the flaws and the occasional hostility.  Sometimes life in Utah feels like you're trapped on Main Street U.S.A. in the Magic Kingdom - everyone is so wholesome and old-timey and just so nice.  Maybe that's better than worrying about being mugged or carjacked all the time, but it's taxing in its own way.

Excited about Pilates.  On Saturday, my favorite instructor asked me if I have ever thought about teaching Pilates.  That totally made my day!  I have actually been thinking for a while that it could be a fun challenge, and was already in the process of researching how to get certified.  Who knows, maybe I'll actually do it?

Dreading leaving Andy alone in the house for a week.  I purposely booked my return flight for Friday morning instead of Saturday or Sunday so I would have the full weekend to put my house back together.  That sounds really anal.  But you don't even know.  Also, it is generally unpleasant to have to go back to work the day after you travel, but the major motivating factor was Tropical Storm Andy and the aftermath that would make FEMA remember Katrina fondly.  Too soon?

The original inspiration for these 'Currently' posts comes from Sometimes Sweet.

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