Friday, June 21, 2013

730 - So it begins

You're turning 30 in exactly two years.  Make it count.  Readysetgo!

Morning clouds

Just hideous

Also hideous.  Just gross.

Just a little birthday 'buch to make up for the fact that I had to go to work for 3 hours to attend  an "important" meeting.   The indignity.


That's not flour.  I dust all my cakes with pure uncut Colombian cocaine.   
50 Shades... 
Hitting the trail - earn that cake!

What a mess.  A delicious, glorious peanut-buttery chocolatey mess.

Afternoon delight

Couldn't decide if I was feeling like a pretty dancer or an Indian chief.

Why can't I be both?

Not sorry.

Andy brought me flowers!

Why don't you just keep swimming right on into my mouth,  okay fish?

I need a box cutter to get at these presents

3 is enough

There's a definite theme here.  The most 'me' birthday that I've ever enjoyed.  Let's cook and stuff our faces with delicious foods on lovely plates, and then exercise a whole bunch so we can still wear awesome clothes.

28, you're alright.  Aight.

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