Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wednesday Weekend Wishing

Alliteration.  Get on board with it.

By the mid-point of the week, you can see a dim light begin to loom at the end of the tunnel.  The bad news is, you don't know how many rats are going to scurry across your feet before you get there.  Is your tunnel always a sewer pipe?  Are there ever any long dark tunnels that smell good and aren't infested with vermin and raw sewage?  Caves?  Should we strap on our headlamps and go spelunking in search of the weekend?

Here it goes - the Super Saturday Spectacular:

Charlie work

Dude, where's my vodka?  (This was at the store - I don't think I want to find out what dude-flavored vodka tastes like)

Jorts make their first appearance of the season

Pizza night!  I will be the first to admit that I make a serious pie, but no real life pizza will ever be as radical as cartoon pizza.  Specifically, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle pizza.

Sunset on a Charlie walk

I made delicious Super Power bread from Oh She Glows.  It's mighty.

And then I laid in bed with Mason Jar Wine Goblet and watched Tiny Furniture on Netflix.

Not pictured:  toilet scrubbing, laundry folding, weeping (metaphorically) after finding cat hair and muddy paw prints immediately after vacuuming, bangin' banana muffins that will be making their debut in the near future

Hang in there.  Only two more days.

1 comment:

  1. jorts, a cat wondering what is on your head, a large doggie, awesome food and a barrel of wine - all of which I have none of. although I do have a small doggie and 1/2 bottle of wine!!
