Thursday, June 20, 2013


The Birthday Eve edition.

Thinking about EVERYTHING.  My head is exploding with thoughts and feelings right now, but I'm not ready to put them out into the world yet.  Soon!

Looking forward to sushi dinner, birthday cake, and a longish weekend.  Tomorrow is my birthday, so I'm cutting out of work early to make my own cake (picture a South Park Jesus and Pals "happy birthday to me" scenario) and spend the day basically avoiding my inbox while pretending to relax.

Drinking Casillero del Diablo cabernet.  We semi-accidentally opened it tonight, even though it's one of the last two bottles of our Las Vegas Thanksgiving booze hoarding maneuver.  We plowed through all the Trader Joe's wine long ago, but we have been hanging on to the "special" bottles from Total Wine for no real reason.  Since it's my birthday eve, among other things, we're celebrating.  Andy's parents usually have this wine on hand, so I'm pretty partial to it.  It tastes like family.  If, you know, you ever taste your family.  Please don't lick your family.

Feeling anxious.  Feeling so many things!  I have a lot to look forward to this summer, including a roadtrip to the Seattle/Mt. Rainier regions, the wedding of one of my oldest and best friends, and possibly/probably some other stuff that I keep alluding to.  I'm just an enigma wrapped in a mystery, or however that saying goes.

Plotting for my 730 before 30 plans.  I'm just going to take it 1 month at a time.  I sometimes tend to overplan, so maybe it will be good for me to consciously work towards some semblance of spontaneity.        Or is that the exact opposite of being spontaneous?  I'm thinking picture-a-day for the first month, and then the sky is the limit!  Or, you know, the confines of my creativity and motivation are the limits.  Whatever.

Dreading cleaning Charlie's ear.  This is excellent mom practice.  I gave him a bath two weekends ago, and clearly failed as a parent.  One of his floppy little ears is now infected, and it's probably due to my inability to keep his inner-ears dry while bathing all 45 pounds of this slippery monster.  $125 later, I get to spend part of each night cleaning his ear with cotton balls, q-tips, and a very smelly serum.  He obviously loves it, and by loves, I mean he miraculously tolerates it but clearly is really unhappy about the situation.

1 comment:

  1. So... do you go in to the cellar to drink the devil's wine??? Charlie is such a good boy. Wait till you have to give doggie needles and gooey ointment in doggie eyes (poor Linus).
