Thursday, October 7, 2010

And then things got weird

I don't know what the universe is trying to tell me, but I hope it's something good.

This morning on my walk to work at 7:15 am (I know!  I'm like a real person now!) I performed two good deeds.  It was exhilarating.

It was a dreary, raw morning but it had just stopped raining and was not as cold as I feared it would be.  As I was traversing a grassy area shaded by enormous pine trees, I spotted a fluffy golden retriever romping towards me.  "Ohmygodpuppies!" I thought.  I was excited about getting to pet a big dopey happy animal but he saw a squirrel and tore off in the opposite direction. 

A minute later, I crossed paths with a guy holding a leash.  "DUKE!" he kept calling, to no avail.  He asked me if I had seen a golden retriever and I informed him that his dog was on the lawn behind me, chasing squirrels and having a blast.  He looked relieved, thanked me, and trotted off to wrangle his furry companion.

I managed to walk about 20 feet further before I had another opportunity to increase my good karma.  A very frantic, lost-looking girl (or should I call someone my age a woman?  That feels weird.  A chick?  I don't know.  A female who appeared to be my age +/- 5 years.) approached me and asked if I was a student.  I said no and asked her if she was looking for something.  She was looking for the music building, which happens to be one of the only buildings I know how to find, because it's right up the hill from my apartment and I have the pleasure of enjoying the never-ending cacophony that issues forth from its walls at all hours.  I pointed her in the right direction and as she skipped away, the clouds parted and a bluebird landed on my shoulder. 

I am clearly the nicest and most helpful person to ever walk the earth.

Later, I saw Mullinda, which is what I have decided to call the woman with the offensively disproportionate mullet.  It's ironic, because 'linda' means pretty in Spanish, and well, I probably don't need to explicitly state that she one of the most aesthetically displeasing individuals I have ever seen, but I guess I just did anyway.  She was wearing a Hawaiian shirt today.  On a rainy day in Idaho. 

And THEN, I was on the phone and ignored a call from an unknown number.  Later, I listened to the voice message and learned that a place where I applied for a job two months ago (because the deadline was two months ago, not because I'm super proactive) wants to bring me in for an interview.  Not a job I actually wanted, but one that would offer health insurance and a lot more money than my current 2-3 jobs combined.  Conundrum, sort of?  Although an interview doesn't necessarily equal a job, so we'll see.

So, universe, what does all this mean?  Two good deeds, a mullet, and ambiguous/complicated news, all in one day?  THANK GOD there was no double rainbow, because my brain would have exploded from trying to understand all these signals the universe is apparently sending me. 


  1. so really if you think about it, mull is for mullet and linda is for pretty. sooo...pretty mullet?


  2. Haha, you're right, Kate. It's not really an accurate name for her, but 'Mullfea' just doesn't have the same ring to it.
