Wednesday, October 6, 2010

There was a time...

When mullets were funny.  Because so few people had them, and those people were rare anachronisms.  And then they became ironic and hipsters started self-consciously getting mullets BECAUSE it is a stupid haircut.

However, the fine folks of Idaho seem to have missed the memo explaining that mullets were out of fashion.  And then the next one saying that they had become the ironic coiffure of the hipster elite.  The telegraph lines must have been down on those two days.  Or the fax machines.  I don't know what the hell they use to communicate out here, smoke signals maybe?  But anyway, there are more mullets per capita in Idaho than there are in Williamsburg (the one in Brooklyn...the other Williamsburg probably just has more powdered wigs, I'm guessing, and now that I've said that, hipsters are totally going to start wearing powdered wigs) and way more wolf howling at the moon shirts.  The thing is, though, all the mullets and wolf shirts belong to sweaty, middle-aged people who probably don't even know what a hipster IS, nor do they realize that they are SO out of fashion that they are once again IN style, except the rule is that if you were sporting the trend the first time around, you are too old to repeat it, and it's just so sad because these are fast times we live in and these people just can't keep up.  Either that, or they are emotionally stunted and trying to perpetually live in their glory days where mullets actually WERE cool (if there ever was such a day). 

Maybe I'm just overthinking it, but here's a visual, so you be the judge.  Sad?

Also, is it just me, or does a mullet seem like kind of a high-maintenance haircut?  I'm sure you have to get the front part trimmed frequently so the mullet doesn't start looking more like a Farrah and less like a mullet.  And the back probably needs regular trimming and conditioning so it doesn't get all stringy.

The above illustration is based on a specific, real individual I saw the other day.  The front of her mullet was cut extremely short and spiky, and the back hung down below the waist of her pants.  She was also wearing a hideous sweatshirt with some kind of animal on it, but I really wanted to draw a wolf howling at the moon.  Deal with it.


  1. This story got a million times better when I read the following sentence:
    The front of her mullet was cut extremely short and spiky, and the back hung down below the waist of her pants.

    All because of the possessive pronoun. I didn't realize the mulleticulous individual in question was a SHE.

  2. PS My boyfriend, who I thought was doing his homework, just started laughing and laughing and I realized he was looking at the Idaho Mullet diagram.

  3. maybe chris (aka - mulletron) should move to idaho
